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IELTS TASK 2 : certain talents as sport and music for people, both view

Arundyna 12 / 16 2  
Nov 12, 2015   #1
In general believe that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and other are not. However. It is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discuss both view and give your opinion.

In this globalization era, there are argumentation that several children are born with specific aptitudes as sport and music, while others reverse. Yet, many inhabitants think it can be taught to become an athlete or a singer. In my personal view, I believe ability will make easy to achieve their goal, although teaching people precisely can build their purpose is reached.

On the one hand, society opine that human who learning hardly can accomplish their dream properly when it support by wonderful teaching even they do not have talents. One of main factor is passion, it is appropriate way to complete people target by teaching, as a illustration, children who having big passion never give up, they will learn tiny steps which are influence their abilities, in their school or university. The Music and sport have technique which is taught in the course, for that, if people continue learning and knowing about technique they can be able toward their target.

On the other hand, there are strong reasons that talents are essential parts in the humanities to be good sportsman or musician. First of all, it is easy for inhabitants to learning, for example, the famous football player, Lionel Messi. He has aptitude in soccer games, as a consequence, he makes history by collection 4 trophy Ballon Dior. Not only this, Talents can construct certain ability as different awesome voice, therefore, the powerful singer, Adele is not difficult for singing the stages without having a teacher.

To sum up, teaching or talent is an important subject for civilization, of course, when people want to achieve their goal very completely they must have both ability and learning hardy by teaching. These obviously musics and sports are not complication to mastering

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