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The chart below shows the aid from six developed countries to developing countries from 2008-2010.

Thithi777 1 / -  
Sep 18, 2023   #1

funds for some developing countries

The chart shows the number of financial aid from different nations to help countries developing between 2008 and 2010.
Overall, the amount of aid in the USA dominated six countries and they increased quite dramatically, while Sweden was the only country experiencing a downward trend.

In 2008, the USA and Germany spent about 22 billion dollars and 8 billion dollars respectively, followed by around 11 billion dollars from Germany and Japan each. The least money was given by the Netherlands and Sweden, which was nearly 13 billion dollars for each.

In 2009, the proportion of money was reduced by approximately 18 billion dollars. Similarly, Germany and Japan also declined their funds, and this figure was about 10 billion dollars and 8 dollars each. On the other hand, the UK, Netherlands, and Sweden increased their budget to approximately 12 billion, 8 billion, and 7 billion dollars.

In 2010, while all the countries rose their fund, Sweden and Netherlands fell to about 7 billion and 5 billion dollars to develop their country.

Home / Writing Feedback / The chart below shows the aid from six developed countries to developing countries from 2008-2010.
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