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Many children in schools have recommended to study foreign languages at an earlier stage - IELTS 2

Arundyna 12 / 16 2  
Feb 5, 2016   #1
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school, do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Second language is an essential issue recently. It is argued that many children in schools have recommended to study foreign languages at an earlier stage , indeed they have been mature. Although this view will be a faster method to study a foreign language in primary school, others claim that young age does not have enough capacity of brain to conquer language.

Patently young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers. Young child will be immediate to understand and remember entire worlds that is given to them, because the kid are enthusiastic to explore and to learn another language. For example, a recent study of Queen's University in Australia found that 70 percent of pupil in primary school can achieve their goal in second learning rather than secondary school just about 45 percent. However, teachers and parents did not have to enforce children to study foreign languages, as they have different problems.

In considering with language from abroad. Some people argue that small people is not ready to study the language when they come too early. It causes capacity of the brain is not appropriate to study new language. The result of this is young kid will get stress when parents force them to know complicated words. Take my brother as an illustration, he always enjoys with their own activities, even though my mother encourage to learn English by picture. It has proved that children have complicated to decide which language to speak.

To sum up, while children look faster to achieve foreign language when they are in elementary school, society has to know the precise part to encourage young kid, because they are not enough brain capacity. Where possible, I believe that the best way to educate people is by allowing them to choose what kind of activities they enjoy doing.
akbarmappiare 31 / 468 275  
Feb 5, 2016   #2
A Second language is ...
It is argued that many children in schools have BEEN recommended to study ...

... young age does not have enough capacity of A brain to conquer language.

A Young child will be immediate to understand and remember entire worlds that isARE given to them, because the kid areIS enthusiastic to explore ...

... found that 70 percent of pupilS in THE primary school can (...) learning rather than THE secondary school just about 45 percent.
... enforce children to study THE foreign languages, as ...

Some people argue that small people isARE not ready to study ...
... brain is not appropriate to study THE new language.
TakeTAKING my brother as an illustration, (...) though my mother encourageS to learn English by A picture.

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