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IELTS TASK 2: There is a claim that oral communication is more effective than writing communication

buingocdiem03 1 / -  
Apr 6, 2020   #1

Spoken communication is more powerful than written communication.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is a claim that oral communication is more effective than writing communication. In my opinion, deciding which one is more powerful than the other depends on certain circumstances.

When it comes to situation requires facial expression and body language, verbal communication is the most suitable. Dating is the common example for using it. Sending messages, images and lovely icons have no value because they can never replace real smiles or different expression in a dinner date. We cannot guess how reliable he or she is just through reading some written text. Another good thing is that talking in person is extremely useful to have a better understanding of the person we are communicating with. A face - to - face conversation helps us know more about people such as the friendliness, their personality and the way they express themselves with the person they have a crush on.

However, I think written communication is the best choice in terms of journalism, law and business. As the outbreak of coronavirus is spreading all over the world, journalism and social media play an important role to raise awareness of people. Governments always send message to each citizens to protect ourselves from this epidemic. To use another common of this practice, in court, oral words will be worthless if we do not have valid evidences such as written documents to support our arguments. Speaking of business, it would be much quicker, more time-saving and more convenient to send emails to a group of targeted customer about promotion and sales rather than meeting and talking with each of them

In conclusion, as I have mentioned above, it seems to me that unwritten or written communications has its own benefits. What we are making efforts to do is that using it correctly to boost our career and set up good relationships through diverse communication
Hannah Jamson 1 / 1  
Apr 6, 2020   #2
Personally, your essay is pretty good but few mistakes in grammar. Especially, there are no linking verbs between each sentence when they are necessary, and such phrases as "to use another common of this practice" and "speaking of st" make sentences a little weird, you should google their usage carefully again. I see loads of outstanding vocabs; however, u should expand the diversity of structure in order to make the essay become more impressive. Those's all recommends I would like to share with you, hope that they can help to to improve your writing skill
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Apr 6, 2020   #3
Unfortunately, this essay will automatically get a failing score in the TA section because of a clear prompt deviation. Let's look at a comparison of that part below so you can fully understand what I mean:

OP: To what extent do you agree or disagree?
YR: In my opinion, deciding which one is more powerful than the other depends on certain circumstances.

You did not properly respond to the task question. You created your own discussion instructions for the essay. Hence, the overall presentation will be deemed totally unrelated to the task, preventing you from achieving a 5 band score. In addition to this error, there are also punctuation problems, a lack of use of descriptive adjectives, and a problem with singular - plural usage in your presentation (citizens = citizen). Therefore, the deductions that these errors would create in the GRA section would truly prevent it from achieving a passing score.

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