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Out of country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to prevention

Arundyna 12 / 16 2  
Nov 11, 2015   #1
Prevention is better than cure
Out of country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventive measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In this globalization era, many people argue that charge of country's health should be spent for treatment regarding health educations and preventive measures in immense portion. In my personal view, I believe healthy determent will bring wide range of advantages in life, although directed treatment is precise way for mankind.

On the one hand, several inhabitants claim the most essential for health is curing, for that, the government has to invest into direct care, the major factor is more immediately to devastating illness, when people get heart attack suddenly, It is automatic, the sufferer takes in hospital for getting straight medication. The other argument is more real to see comparing preventive. If people gain problem in their brain and body, they will get advice or potion from team medic, which they can see symptom and result obviously. Therefor, the administrator has to spend in the straight cure.

On the other hand, there are major reason to support this idea which healthy education and preventive measure are foundation of country. First of all, direct medication is more expensive, the article from Mediciana.com shows the state might save 100 pounds every single year for the cure. Not only this, the civilizations have ability to avoid germs or aphids, therefore they are healthier and stronger to confront disease. As a consequence, the government has to provide a field for team to campaign regarding educations and measures of healthy of entire inhabitants.

To sum up, both preventing and curing are as same as important way to face the sickness, but the best way to destroy disease is the prohibit as it can be economic and safety. Where possible, human should check up their physic and psychology regularly to obtain more effective results.
nsahmad 11 / 14 3  
Nov 11, 2015   #2
Good writing brother, but Happy to discuss making more clearly.
Let me give sort sugestion.

In this globalization era, many people argue that charge of country's health should be spent for treatment regarding health educations and preventive measures in immense portion. In my personal view, I believe healthy determent will bring wide range of advantages in life, although directed treatment is precise way for mankind.

in this task, trying to make thesis starement depending question, do not be off from large proportion budget.

To sum up,,,,,,

The contain of conclution is paraphrase of TS and sugestion or your solution like this, in this case of course both of them related to country's health budget. Hope helpful.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Nov 13, 2015   #3
Building a culture of health is not a night effort. As such, some people argue that government should allocate more funds on health education and preventive measures so as that society lives under health conditions. While this notion is utterly acceptable, I would argue this way will raise dire consequences

To sum up, society should be supported with good healthcare system to have a better life. This can be only done if government sets up more funds. Yet, some thoughtful consideration must be taken into account.

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