Now days, logging industry had supplied several impact to environment damage. Some areas felt habitat loss, pollution and climate change along countries in Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America to northern forest of Canada and Scandinavia. And also Logging activity had caused damage both terrestrial and aquatic habitat in the forest. It can be seen, deforestation contributed pollution in the world. All habitat in forest will be getting bad impact too such us algae growth, removing oxygen that finally will be killing fish and other wildlife. Forest especially the tropical rainfall forest will be contribute to natural resource and biodiversity exist. Responsible logging activity will be guaranty in our nature and habitat still a life.
Is damaged tropical rainforest caused by Logging industry?
Hi PHA2016,
Let me give my personal suggestion about your writing.
1. Now days, logging industry had supplied several ...
Now days refer to present condition and had supplied refer to past condition, make sure that you use the correct tenses, it depends on what the idea that you want to tell to the readers.
Several impact - several impacts.
2. "Some areas felt habitat loss, pollution and climate ..." - Some are along countries in Central Africa .... felt habitat loss, pollution and climate change.
3. "And also Logging activity" - Logging activity also.
4. "both terrestrial and aquatic..." - both in terrestrial and aquatic.
5. "All habitat in forest will be getting bad impact too". It will be better to modify this sentence.
6. "Forest especially the tropical rainfall forestwill be contribute to natural resource"
7. "Responsible logging activity willbe guaranty in our nature and habitat still a life". Maybe you better try to use other words to describe the condition that you mean to be.
Keep writing.
Let me give my personal suggestion about your writing.
1. Now days, logging industry had supplied several ...
Now days refer to present condition and had supplied refer to past condition, make sure that you use the correct tenses, it depends on what the idea that you want to tell to the readers.
Several impact - several impacts.
2. "Some areas felt habitat loss, pollution and climate ..." - Some are along countries in Central Africa .... felt habitat loss, pollution and climate change.
3. "
4. "both terrestrial and aquatic..." - both in terrestrial and aquatic.
5. "All habitat in forest will be getting bad impact too". It will be better to modify this sentence.
6. "Forest especially the tropical rainfall forest
7. "Responsible logging activity will
Keep writing.