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'digitalization is revolutionizing' - Public libraries limited resources on

eva123 1 / -  
Jul 31, 2012   #1
hi guys, I am preparing for IELTS and so happy to find this forum. This is my first time to post an essay, looking forward to get your help.

TOPIC:The main purpose of public libraries should be to provide books. Public libraries should not spend their limited resources on computer software, videos or DVDs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Traditionally, public libraries mainly provide readers with a variety of books. However, electronic technology has changed the way people acquire knowledge and it is no longer true that the main purpose of libraries are offering books.

There is no doubt that public libraries exist as places for learners to find information, resources, services, and instruction. In the past, books are the main source of knowledge and it is reasonable that libraries focus on the supply of books. However, in the age of information explosion, studying is not limited to reading books. More and more people begin to utilize computers and multimedia to enhance their learning efficiency. Therefore, the services of libraries should adapt to this change, installing up-to-date computer software and purchasing DVDs and videos to meet people's diverse demands.

Meanwhile, allocating limited resources to electronic resources are rewarding, which can benefit individuals, libraries and society as a whole. Firstly, it has been proved that the multimedia can effectively help people gain a deeper understanding of what they are learning. While books can only describe things by words, videos can explain the content in more vivid and dynamic way. Also, with the help of advanced computer software, people are able to deal with complicated tasks such as data processing efficiently. Secondly, these items allow libraries to largely save the space that they used to place books due to their amazing storage capacity. For example, the data of a more than 1000 pages book can be easily stored in a piece of DVD. Thirdly, these electronic technologies provide an environmentally friendly way of storing data, which can reduce the consumption of papers dramatically, resolving the severe deforestation problem we have met.

In conclusion, digitalization is revolutionizing people's learning process, accordingly, changes to public libraries are inevitable. It is crucial for public libraries to adjust their services to assist citizens' diverse learning methods and the spending on such digital resources is indispensable and beneficial.
ah_zafari [Contributor] 40 / 672 148  
Aug 1, 2012   #2
Traditionally, public libraries mainly provide readers with a variety of books. However, electronic technology has changed the way people acquire knowledge and it is no longer true that the main purpose of libraries are offering books.

In the introduction u did not say anything about "computer software, videos or DVDs". In fact the thesis statement of the essay is not clear. Moreover, the introduction showed that u were in agreement with the topic, but u did not mention this fact apparently. U should also state the reasons why u agree with the topic. The reasons of your opinion are the issues that u are going to discuss in the body and in this way u can link the introduction to body( this part of the introduction is called "blueprint")

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