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Eco tourism. (for and against essay) - benefits far outweigh the negatives

dashka_6539 1 / -  
Nov 17, 2013   #1

Ecotourism. (for and against essay)

Most people believe that ecotourism is a growing sector in today's travel industry. Also known as green tourism, it involves visiting natural areas with the objectives of learning, studying or participating in activities that do not bring negative effects to the environment, whilst protecting and empowering the local community socially and economically.

Firstly, ecotourism enterprises are planned and managed at a local level. Community members stay involved at all stages of the process, empowering them while encouraging travelers to their areas. The projects create jobs locally, reducing the need for young people to leave home to look for work in the cities. Almost everyone in the rural community can become involved by working as guides, selling crafts, providing food and accommodation, or taking part in cultural performances.

Secondly, Ecotourism helps create a better appreciation of the world's natural resources, such as landscapes and wildlife. This stimulates a desire to protect the natural environment through the creation of national parks, wildlife preserve. Funding for conservation work is generated by tourists through sources such as park entrance fees, camping fees, local taxes and expedition tours.

Finally, Ecotourism not only educates visitors about environmental responsibility, it can also help raise awareness about political and social issues in developing countries. Historically, group tourism has helped to support corrupt and undemocratic regimes, but with ecotourism, money goes directly into local communities, rather than government funds. Additionally, as visitors witness the poverty and repression that many third-world countries suffer, it creates a growing global pressure for Western governments to act on human rights issues.

On the other hand, by involving the rural community it changes their everyday life style also they may can focus on tourists to provide their income for example local residents making more (ger) hotels or tourist resorts instead of herding animals therefore it may destroy the countryside tradition. And moreover tourism poses a danger to a region's natural and cultural resources, such as water supply and heritage sites, through overuse. It also causes increased pollution through traffic emissions, littering, increased sewage production and noise.

Ill things considered, it can be concluded that ecotourism is good way to develop the country and empowering the local residence. However it damages the environment I believe the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Nov 18, 2013   #2
Community members stay involved at all stages of the process, empowering them while encouraging travelers to their areas.

... empowering what?
Community members stay involved at all stages of the process, having them empowered with ????? while encouraging travelers to their areas.

selling crafts

selling handy crafts
This essay is written very well.... The only thing I can suggest is to include some examples where ever they can fit in. That helps you convince the reader better :)

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