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IELTS equal numbers of male and female students; equality is not always possible

halleybachelor 16 / 25 1  
Feb 11, 2014   #1
Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that the numbers of male students in every subject of a university should be the same as those of females. In my opinion, this is impractical and unnecessary.

This argument may be based on the belief in sex equality. Nowadays, women in most countries have gained equal rights and opportunities as men in many areas, including education. According to people in favor of this view, sex equality will be challenged if male students outnumber female ones in a subject, and vice versa.

The equality they try to promote, however, is not likely to be achieved all the time. This is because the ratio of sexes in a subject is determined by many factors. Most importantly, it is the scores students achieve in the college entrance examinations that decide who are eligible for the subject, regardless of genders. That means the numbers of males and females are unpredictable when requirements are set solid. Meanwhile, males and females tend to have different interests in different subjects, and there are some majors more suitable for one sex than the opposite one. For instance, it is unrealistic for universities to expect to enroll same number of males and females in nursing, which is obviously favored much more by the latter.

Furthermore, there will be drawbacks if this policy is implemented. As I mentioned above, it is not always a case that an equal number of males and females could meet the requirements of a subject. Therefore, universities have to set different requirements for each sex in order to realize this equality. In this sense, the fairness of the examination system will be undermined and students with better capabilities will consequently be demotivated.

In conclusion, sex equality in education is not the same as accepting equal numbers of male and female students, which is not achievable and justifiable in reality.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Feb 11, 2014   #2
This is because the ratio of sexes in a subject is determined by many factors.

I think this sentence does not mean anything useful. The important point here is that sex should not be the priority criterion for selecting students for courses. There are more important criteria such as GPAs, recommendations by professors etc. that need to be considered more. So,always try to skim the core idea and present that.

Further, your first body paragraph contains more than one reason to justify your position. Limit that to one reason per para, but give some specific example to back it up. That you have not done in that para.
Fardhani Putri 23 / 46 7  
Feb 12, 2014   #3
hi there..

The equality they try to promote, however, is not likely to be achieved all the time

... well maybe I'm not expert in grammar but I think this sentences little bit make me confuse because you write the equality (noun) in the beginning.. so let me know your thought..

it is the scores students achieve in the college entrance examinations

..it refers to?

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