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IELTS Task 1 - The essential skills for external and internal in communication

M3L1 26 / 6 11  
Dec 2, 2015   #1
The table below gives the results of two surveys, in 1997 and 2006, in which people were asked which communication skills were essential in their jobs.

The results of two surveys about communication skills that were important at work in 1997 and 2007 was shown on the table. There are two kind of communication where the certain skills are needed, the external and internal area. Overall, the results show that the demographic in 2006 experienced increment than in the first survey in almost all of the skills.

At the external area, there are four skills that people think very important. To persuade customers, they should have dealing capability. The figure show that this gift is the most important than the others, presented at 65% in 2006 which increased five percent than the other year. People who has knowledge of particular products or services ability is the next highest substantial which witnessed 6% increment while the ability of advising or caring for customers is rose to 39%. The selling a product service talent is the least important, the proportion is 3% lessened from the previous year.

In the company, people usually have communication with their colleagues and other staffs in terms of their job. Some believe that people who are able to listening carefully to their colleagues are very important, the survey shows 9% increment than 1997. The second highest skill is instructing or training people, the proportion raise 5%. Furthermore, employees with the capability to analyse problems together with others is depicted almost half of the listening ability as well as the persuading or influencing skill, which rated at the third and fourth positions. However, planning the activities and making presentations potentials are both double and triple times lesser than instructing talent.

pikul 23 / 26 3  
Dec 13, 2015   #2
The results of two surveys about communication skills that were important at work in 1997 and 2007 was shown on IN the table

Furthermore, employees with the capability WHO HAD CAPABILITY to analyse problems together with others is WERE depicted almost half of the listening ability as well as the persuading or influencing skill, which rated at the third and fourth positions
hollanda 2 / 5  
Dec 14, 2015   #3
I think I would write the introduction in an active voice: The given table compares the importance of internal and external communication skill...

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