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Two different surveys - which communication skills in internal and external jobs are essential

Bunglon11 28 / 31 5  
Feb 27, 2016   #1
The table below gives the results of two surveys, in 1997 and 2006, in which people were asked which communication skills were essential in their jobs.

A comparison of percentage of the result in two different surveys about which communication skills in internal and external jobs are essential in the workplace in two different years between 1997 and 2006 is presented in the table. At first glance, there was an essential skill for each internal and external jobs. While in external, the essential skill was dominated by dealing with people, listening carefully to colleagues was said as the most important skill in internal company.

The first survey in 1997 showed that sixty percent people said the most important communications skill needed in external is dealing with people and in contrary, selling product was said as the least communication skill needed in the external jobs, at 24 percent. This percentage increased slightly to 65% in the next survey in 2006 while selling product skill decreased. Others skills such as knowledge of particular products or services and advising or caring for customers or clients experienced a rise in this survey, from 35% and 36% in 1997 to 41% and 39% respectively in 2006.

Moving to internal jobs, the essential communication skill was listening carefully to colleagues during twice surveys in 1997 and 2006, 38% and 47% serially which was followed by instructing or training people at the second skill according to answers, at 25% and 30% in the same period. Other skills like persuading or influencing others, making speeches or presentations analysing problems together with others, and planning the activities of others are believed as others communication skills in internal company with the percentage under 30.

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