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To what extent should people try to have a good work-life balance?

ishankaplish 1 / -  
Apr 26, 2020   #1
It has been noted that many people who had a big impact on the world gave themselves completely to their work and did not bother with the idea of "work-life balance". To what extent should people try to have a good work-life balance?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." We have all heard of this saying during our childhood by teachers or parents educating us about the importance of having a good balance between studies and plat-time. As we grow into adults this translates into having a good work-life balance. However, history has recorded that in order to have any kind of impact on the world, individuals must abandon the idea of work-life balance. In this essay we will discuss the extent to which people should try to have a good work-life balance.

Before the world was gripped by the coronavirus epedemic, I used to be employed as a Restaurant Manager in a 5* hotel. I used to work 12-14hrs shifts 6 days a week. I got promoted within a year of graduating and was one of the youngest managers in the company and was recognised as a rising star. There was absolutely no concept for a work-life balance as I believed that that would only slow my progress.

It was during the forced lockdown, I realised the adverse affects my work had on my health. My erratic eating habits had rendered me extremely unfit. While I used to love reading fiction books, I couldn't remember last time I finished one. My once vibrant social life was now non-existent having lost contact with most of my college friends and I spoke to my family only once a month.

Many notable personalities who have made a mark on the world over the years having been very vocal about having a good work-life balance. Bill Jobs recently explained in his book that in-order to win the race on having any kind of impact on the world you first need to be able to finish the race.

I would like to conclude by another quote "A healthy mind is a wealthy mind." While it is essential to work hard and be deternined, one must not forget the other important things in life and always maintain a good work-life balance.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Apr 26, 2020   #2
Do not use the pronoun "we" since the reference pronoun in this prompt is singular. So use the pronoun "I" instead. While your approach is acceptable. A more enticing and interesting essay will use a hook to entice the examiner to read more and also, convince the examiner that he has the proper English analytical abilities to respond to the prompt. The hook will help you create an outline for your discussion, which will also help increase your overall score.

Rather than a comma, use a connecting word the following presentation: It was during the forced lockdown, I realised the adverse affects my work had on my health. While the comma adds a dramatic effect, and is useful in creative writing presentations, an academic paper would flow better with the use of the connecting word "that" to indicate a connected flow of thought or action (in this case). Additionally, write out the word 5-star. Never use an asterisk to represent that in an academic or professional paper. That word is always spelled out. Never take shortcuts. Avoid contractions and punctuation marks in place of actual words. That just reeks of unprofessionalism and could affect your scoring potential.

If you are referring to notable personalities, do not make names up. It is either Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. There is no such person as Bill Jobs. The examiner will allow you to get away with lies in your presentation, but, he will draw the line at actual popular figures such as the two men who created the computers we use today. While you won't be scored down for it, why would you want to make up information if there is an actual reference for it?

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