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Foreign language study by children in the first education level is more effective than in second

Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
May 23, 2016   #1
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather that secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

It is widely believed that studying foreign language for children in the first education level is more effective than in secondary school. While some educationalists recommended it, I believe that the drawbacks to study second language in the first year are more than the benefits that might be gained by children.

Admittedly, learning other languages is important for children. It is more likely related to their intelligence. The earlier they introduced to some languages, the easier for them to understand it well. The study conducted by Cynthia Garcia Coll, a researcher of Brown University, discovered that children at the preteen age will master other languages effectively than those who start to learn after this period. The student at secondary school will experience some difficulties to memorize words and practice the language in daily life fluently. Thus, it is evident that introducing foreign language for children as soon as possible, in particular primary school is good for their development.

However, there is a huge risk of studying foreign language for children in the primary school. One of the major considerable reasons is that, as the first education level, pupils still adapt to use their natural language. They can be confused to distinguish both of native and second languages. Thus, they are likely to suffer dyslexia, a common disease found in children of primary school. The problems include diff1iculties in spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, and understanding what one reads. The second reason is children who practice bilingual will experience some difficulties to interact in the society. They become reluctant to adapt and isolated in the environment. Moreover, pupil studying another language is possible to lose their nationality soon. They become more likely to learn other languages and have a better understanding of other cultures than their own.

In conclusion, while studying foreign language in the primary school is beneficial, I believe that children will receive many more drawbacks absolutely. Therefore, introducing children to both of native and foreign languages in formal education should be trained appropriately.
pebzna12 13 / 24 9  
May 24, 2016   #2
Hi, Ilmi!
Let me share my points with you.

First of all, for your thesis statement.

While some educationalists recommended it, I believe that the drawbacks ...

Here is my recommendation:

While some educationalist agreed that to start studying another language at elementary school is more beneficial for students, I believe that the drawbacks outnumber its benefits.

And for your last conclusion:

... I believe that children will receive many more drawbacks absolutely . Therefore, introducing children to ...

My recommendation as below:

In conclusion, it had been proven that despite studying foreign language in the primary school is beneficial, there are several drawbacks that they will face compared to begin learning it in secondary school.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
May 24, 2016   #3
Hi Nurul, I definitely agree that learning a second language, in this case, a foreign language at an early age is very crucial to children's lives, though the result of this study will not show an immediate effect, this part of early learning will absolutely help them and even more so, hone them, to be good citizens, somebody who is willing to digest different culture, indulge in the native language of a particular country or space.

Should I choose to raise my own kids in the future, I would love for them to be culturally exposed, learn as much as they can including language and master it if they can, however, a good balance in different fields of studies will be observed and be well implemented.

Overall, your essay is fairly written, it will still need a few corrections, most especially the conclusion and below is what I suggest;

- In conclusion, while studying foreign language in the primary school is beneficial, I believe that children will receive manyexperience more drawbacks absolutely . Therefore, introducing children to both ofthe native and foreign languages in formal education should be trainedimparted appropriately.

There you have it Nurul, I hope this is useful.

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