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Gain a better experience by traveling to another country - IELTS Task 2

ochio 13 / 10  
Oct 8, 2015   #1
Some people say that you can learn more about another country by watching television programmes and films about it than by actually visiting it. How true is this statement? Is there anything you can learn about another country by visiting it that you cannot learn by watching programmes and films about it?

Several individuals argue that to have knowledge about another state you should not really visit that country. You just need to get any information about it from television programmes or through films instead. It cannot be denied that media like television could report excellent information about a country, but I believe that by visiting the place you would probably obtain more experience which you cannot achieve just by testifying it from television.

To begin with, it is impossible for everyone to visit every country in the world for many reasons such as the long distance, high cost, or lack of time to go on a trip. So, documentation reports about other country are surely worth to watch because those provide major contribution for human knowledge about another country in general. For instance, an British travel television series called 'Globe Trekker'. Each episode features a traveller who travels with a camera crew to a country to experience the sights, sounds, and culture that the location has to offer.

However, it is not satisfying enough to know about a place by just watching it on TV. I would argue that by living in situations you would never encounter at home before, this is great experience for you when you come back to your routine. In addition, traveling creates a lifetime memories that you could share people afterwards. You surely cannot achieve those memories when you just explore another country by just sitting in front of television.

To conclude, it is fair if several people think that you just need to watch television programmes and films to witness and know in general about other places over the world, because not all people afford to visit the locations for some reasons. Nevertheless, to gain the real experience, people should travel to that place instead.

eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1172  
Oct 8, 2015   #2
Some people say that you can learn more about another country by watching television programmes and films about it than by actually visiting it.How true is this statement?Is there anything you can learn about another country by visiting it that you cannot learn by watching programmes and films about it?

A closer look at how I develop my introductory paragraph.

TV and films as the best entertainment unlock the world. ( this is very good try to attract readers' attention. Remember, write a short sentence)
Such entertainment introduces people insights about today's world from their own home without having to venture out at all.
While I agree with this statement, since I could learn about different culture, people and places,
It is argued that short excursion brings a sense of adventure.

TV and films as the best entertainment unlock the world. Such entertainment introduces people insights about today's world from their own home without having to venture out at all. While I agree with this statement, since I could learn about different culture, people and places, It is argued that short excursion brings a sense of adventure.

Several individuals argue that to have knowledge about another state you should not really visit that country.

- Try to write no more than 10 phrases in the first sentence. By doing so, your opening statement looks more appealing.

You just need to get

It is always good to present your essay with more formal tone. What I mean here is to shun writing personal pronoun "you"

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