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IELTS task 2: Government alone cannot defeat the climate change!

Vns9x 102 / 234 16  
Feb 19, 2015   #1
Scientists and the news media are presenting ever more evidence of climate change. Governments cannot be expected to solve this problem. It is the responsibility of individuals to change their lifestyle to prevent further damage.

What are your views?

Climate change has always been a polemical topic since it first appeared. It makes our planet warmer reach day. This can lead towards numerous consequences that need to be eschewed. The government cannot solve all these issues on its own because government is human after all. Even if the government could handle the problems, people will still have to back the government. This is because everyone is responsible for the climate change. Therefore, I wholeheartedly agree the statement, which asserts that we have to alter the way we live to hamper the upcoming aftermaths.

Government was created by human beings themselves. We as human beings sometimes find it arduous to fix every single hassle. It is reasonable because other issues, such as deflation and inflation overwhelm us. That is why, people should step in and change their actions in lieu of constantly relying on the government. For example, the government now has lots of troubles regarding money, so it cannot allot any second to climate change. We as the loyal citizens should fix the climate change ourselves. This can immensely benefit our planet. As a result, people must participate to the battle when it comes to solving the climate change's issue.

Aside from the responsibilities, it is imperative for any person to understand the danger of the climate change. This phenomena can ruin the planet as well as the people who dwell on it. It can be the end of our existence. We must step it up and fight back the climate change alongside our government. Assume yourself living under the dangerousness of the climate change. Obviously, we need to worry about the surviving. Hence, we have to defeat the climate change no matter what it takes.

The aforesaid evidence insinuates that humankind must be enthusiastic in regards to the climate change. Taking all the points into account, I have a robust belief that every folk need to take care of the Earth.

Rich Monte 2 / 94  
Feb 19, 2015   #2
Climate change has always been a polemical topic since it first appeared. It makes our planet warmer reach day.

You may first mention something about the history of the phrase 'global warming' and how (and why) this phrase has been switched to 'climate change.' I wonder why do you use the phrase 'climate change' in the first sentence and then, in the next sentence, you write about planet being warmer. Logically, the word 'change' refers to both up and down, ie. both warmer and colder. Why is there a general perception that 'change' means 'warmer'? It would be interesting to read at least a paragraph on that.

Another thing; there are four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Just like there are colder and hotter days. Maybe you'll discuss what the 'weather' actually is and how it is natural for it to constantly change. Changing weather is normal and natural. Take winds, for example. One day it's very calm, another it's windy. Technically, it is 'change.' So why don't we focus on the issue of high and low winds? We could assume that high winds are bad and unnatural, so we need to do something about that. For example, we could raise taxes so that we could study winds and conclude it is not natural and healthy for humans to live on Earth that has high winds. Don't we. Later we could conclude that life on Earth could be dangerous to humans, so we need to raise more money to explore a possibility to go to Mars. Maybe on Mars we'll discover unfriendly aliens that we could fight after we raise enough global income.

What about the temperature of ocean? When it's only 15C then it is not good for humans because they don't feel comfortable swimming in such a cold water. It is not healthy for our population either - just try to go to a cold water and you'll get cold. So we can conclude that cold ocean water is hazardous to human life and we should take action to change it. Maybe it's better to change it to 25C. It can be done, we just need to raise taxes. Once we do, we can advice the population to swim during summer months, for example.

government is human after all

It's not very accurate. How an institution can be human?
trina 1 / 2  
Feb 22, 2015   #3
Later we could conclude that life on Earth could be dangerous to humans, so we need to raise more money to explore a possibility to go to Mars. Maybe on Mars we'll discover unfriendly aliens that we could fight after we raise enough global income

- :-D

Hi Vns9x, just a note It makes our planet warmer reach ( each )day.Also, I think it will be good if you will have some description of the climate change.

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