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The government's safety laws - are they all really necessary or it's an exaggeration already

angga93 42 / 74 20  
Mar 27, 2016   #1
Governments make many rules to protect people from danger, for example, by making people wear seat belts in cars or not allowing smoking in public buildings. However, many people believe that there are too many rules nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.

Safety laws are verry common these days in many countries. Many people see this case as exageration, as they do not need those rules. However, I totally disagree with that view as the government will not make any rules if society does not need it.

The abundance of rules which are intended for people's safety is seen as unpleasant by some people. According to them, they can take care of their own life and they do not need anyone to take control of their own safety. In fact, laws force them to pay an exact amount of money when they disobey rules for their safety.Virtually every place has rules to protect people from danger. In the road, for example, when someone does not wear seatbelt when driving a car or use helmet when ride a motorbike, the police will give them penalty even though they do not make other people in danger. For this reason, many people consider ubiquitous safety rules as unecessary burden.

On the other hand, I believe that every rule is made because it is needed. Society these days tend to ignore their own safety so that they need to be reminded when they do something harmful. Rule itself force people for their own safety, by using punishment, the government ask people to rethink if they want to risk their own lives. Pubilc smoking laws are formed because although most people know that smoking is dangerous for them and their surrounding, they still love to do it in public when there are no one remind them about the rules. In all, if human do not have tendency to do dangerous act, there will be no rules made for such things. Unfortunately, considering human attitude towards safety these days, te existed rules are not enough in strength and quantity to protect them from danger.

To sum up, although it is true that nowadays government have made many rules for human safety, those are actually not enough to protect society as they do not pay much attention to their own safety. In my opinion, the existed rules must be strangthened so that people feel more afraid to disobey it.
justivy03 - / 2366 607  
Mar 28, 2016   #2
- The s ociety these
- so that they need to be remindedreprimanded
- something harmfulawful .
- Rule itself forces people
- forto their own safety,
- by usingimplementing punishment,
- they wantare willing to risk their own lives.
- although( this is unnecessary ) most
- there areis no one remind
- InOver all, if human
- human attitudebehavior towards

- thosethis are actually
- not enough to protect the society as t
- the existedexisting rules must
- be stre ngthened so
- that people will feel more afraid toabiding to the rule rather than disobey it.

There you have it Angga, I know you will notice that there are a few students who wrote the same essay and I suggest that you take time to read them for a healthy comparison.
ebony12 1 / 1  
Mar 28, 2016   #3
You have a few mistakes but this is pretty well prepared essay.

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