Reading statistics - 3 years period
The line graph illustrates how many books people read at Burnaby Public Library over 3 years from 2011 to 2014.
Overall, it is clear that the number of books, that people read at Burnaby Public Library, generally increased from 2011 to 2013 before being different trends for men and women in the following 2 years. While the proportion of books read by men rise dramatically, that of books the women is a steady fall.
From 2011 to 2013, there was a slight growth from around 3000 books to just under 4000 books in the number of books which men read before going up significantly to approximately 10000 books in 2013. Similarly, that of books which women read witnessed a gradual climb from around 5000 books and reached a high of 10000 books in 2013.
In 2014, there was a steady surge to over 14000 books in the numbers of books read by men. This was the highest figure in the period. In contrast, women read books that had downward trends from 10000 books in 2013 to around 8000 books.
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