The most common benefits and drawbacks of Fairmont Island, according to survey of visitors, is presented in the pie charts. It is important to note that, high cost of leaving is the largest drawbacks, while it can be seen food quality is very low among the others. In contrast, the popular in the most common benefits is the people, fairly similar with scenery.
Turning to the most common drawbacks, high cost of living shows the popular what visitors claimed to dislike about, at under half. Then, entertainment is the second popular in the most general drawbacks, it is less than a third. Then, weather experience a fifth of proportion. Interestingly, visitors choose food quality the lowest percentage their unpleased, at 5%.
However, the people is the largest reason visitor come to this island, at two-fifth. This proportion can be seen fairly similar with the scenery, at 37%. After that, the good accomodation lowest rank attracts people choose this island. It shows similarity with culture, differing only 1%.
Turning to the most common drawbacks, high cost of living shows the popular what visitors claimed to dislike about, at under half. Then, entertainment is the second popular in the most general drawbacks, it is less than a third. Then, weather experience a fifth of proportion. Interestingly, visitors choose food quality the lowest percentage their unpleased, at 5%.
However, the people is the largest reason visitor come to this island, at two-fifth. This proportion can be seen fairly similar with the scenery, at 37%. After that, the good accomodation lowest rank attracts people choose this island. It shows similarity with culture, differing only 1%.