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TOEFL; Hiring experienced worker at higher salary or inxeperienced worker at lower salary?

Arinadeer 2 / 2  
Dec 1, 2013   #1
If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at lower salary or an experienced worker at higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Personally if I were employer I prefer hire an experienced worker at higher salary then an inexperienced worker at lower salary. There are several reasons which support opinion.

Firstly to most criteria for hiring employee is an experience because an experienced worker is generally more useful for the company. Experienced workers have more knowledge and it makes them more shrewd, decisive, balanced and flexible in organizing the business. To start a successful company I will have to work out the business plan, develop the strategy for creating profits and look for the potential of the company growth. Can an inexperienced worker help with all this things? Only experienced worker can help me with starting company. For example my father is going to start his own business and when he running the business he would have to build the marketing strategy compete with the rivals and attract new clients. All these are very challenging tasks and I will need experienced employees to cope with them. Apparently, the assistance of energetic thoughtful, adventurous and knowledgeable people will be of great help.

Secondly the competition in business is very tough now. In this fact, that to be successful it should be necessary to build a strong team of colleagues. I will need motivating personnel, able to communicate with people and organize them, encourage the staff to do the right things, set targets and reach them. Can an inexperienced worker to build a strong team? - Of course, no. Only person who have a bid experiences of working with absolutely different people can do this tasks. But without great team business can be apparent. Workers often must deal with problems and find the solutions. There will be many good solutions and opinions and team are not able to choose the right decision. Besides, a good experienced worker can organize them and make right decision.

In the final analysis I definitely prefer to hire an experienced worker than an inexperienced worker because the employee with experience is more useful, has more good skills to build a successful company.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Dec 2, 2013   #2
Well... Your essay structure is pretty messy and I don't think it would help you earn a good score for this task. I have suggested you a structure to construct the introduction in your other thread. I wish you follow that structure to write your introduction.
sanzhar 2 / 9  
Dec 4, 2013   #3
I think that your intro is lacking any hook to a reader, so just make it a bit alonger by inserting ideas you will write in the bodies.

Your bodies are very short and support your opinion by making arguments about yor thesis and providing strong examples to make them longer .
And lastly, conclusion is pretty good and you can restate your introand add some analysis in conclusion .
aoey 6 / 17 2  
Dec 7, 2013   #4
I prefer hire an experienced worker...
> I prefer to hire an experienced worker...

There are several reasons which support opinion...
> There are several reasons which support my opinion...
I think you should put possessive adj."my" because you are using the reasons to support your opinion.

There are many points needed punctuation.
For example
> Firstly, to most criteria for hiring...
> To start a successful company, I will have to work out...
greenleaf 4 / 20 7  
Dec 8, 2013   #5
For example my father is going to start his own business and when he runningruns the business he wouldwill
have to build the marketing strategy to compete with the rivals and attract new clients.

In this fact, that to be successful it should be necessary to build a strong team of colleagues.

In fact, it is necessary to build a strong team of colleagues in order to be successful.

Only personthose who have a bid experiences relevant experience of working with absolutely different people can do this these tasks.

Hope this helps!
something 23 / 52 5  
Dec 28, 2013   #6
I think this essay is too short. You should write at least 3 paragraphs that include Introduction, example and detail, and conclusion.

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