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IELTS Task 2: An increasing number or professional leaving their own poorer countries

mmatmmee 3 / 3  
Sep 5, 2024   #1
Prompt: An increasing number of professional, such as teachers and doctors are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What are the reasons for this trend? What effect does it have on the countries professionals are leaving?

In recent years, the rate of new generation emigrate to work in richer countries has increased. There is a certain factor that causes this circumstance and it results in dramatic detriment for the departed countries.

The major reasons the professionals have a tendency to seek employment in more developed countries are a higher standard of living and opportunities for professionals growth. For instance, the average monthly salary for a white-collar worker, such as teacher, in so-called first world nations is surpassing a developing country. In addition, employees in developed countries can balance their working life and personal time effectively because of a well-organised workflow system and a well-prepared facility. An outdated amenity and equipment in poor states hinders the ability of professionals, such as doctor, to practice and improve their skills.

The increasing amounts of employees who seek their job in first world nations definitely has an invariably negative consequences towards the developing nations. In Thailand, emigrating to better job opportunities in another countries was a trend around 2019-2021. Subsequently, the brain drain situation spreads throughout years, not only in Thailand but also most of third world countries encounter this issue. The nations lose the talents from new generation and opportunities to continue developing.
In conclusion, a higher living quality coupled with the opportunity to advance one's career are the main reason why professionals migrate to richer countries. The countries they leave behind struggle to find suitably qualified replacements and thus suffer from social and economic stagnations.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15200  
Sep 7, 2024   #2
Kindly remember that there is a minimum 250 word count for the task 2 essay. Failure to meet that word count will result in word count penalties under the TA score. In this instance, you wrote 247 words, which will result in equivalent percentage score deductions in the TA section. These deductions could cause a failing score for the essay in this case because your prompt restatement was incorrect and you failed to create a proper thesis statement with regards to your writer's opinion.

new generation emigrate to work

You tried to use modern English words but did not really connect it to the original reference which is "an increasing number of professionals". Since your reference does not refer to professionals nor the number of professionals leaving the country for work, your restatement is faulty and will receive a failing score.

There is a certain factor that causes t

This is what is considered a no-response to the given question. Always give the topic that you will be discussing. The subject or reasons you will be discussing will receive more points than vague answers such as the one you presented.

emigrating to better job opportunities in another countries was a trend around 2019-2021.

Why did you mention this? Are you indicating that the trend is no longer existing in your country? In which case, your response then becomes incorrect because the assumption of the guide question is that the trend is still currently happening in your country. It may be considered a reason to make your essay fail the test.

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