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International tourist destinations between 1995 and 2010 is depicted in the line chart

faizunaa17 49 / 91  
Nov 20, 2016   #1
A breakdown of International Tourist Arrivals in five regions between 1995 and 2010 is depicted by using line chart. Overall, United States of America placed in the top among all in that fifteen years, followed by France that had the most significant change. In addition, there were two countries that stood in the lowest position.

It can be seen that USA had only general increase from 70 in the beginning to just below 90 in 2010. Although it increased until reached 90 in 2005, but a very tiny fall occurred in the rest of year. However, the other countries had positive trend in all years. The most tremendous upward trend was represented by France that almost threefold larger than in the beginning and made it had the same value with USA in 2010.

Furthermore, Malaysia, which had the third place, went up more than two times from 20. In the lowest position, in 1980 Brazil made a very slight difference with Egypt that just a little below ten. Then, both crossed each other between 1995 and 2000 and finally Egypt hit the fourth rank a little below 20, while Brazil in the last standing at just above 10.
MufliHamid - / 21 7  
Nov 20, 2016   #2
Hi faiz.
first of all, another time when you want to upload the task 1 essay, please remember to add the picture in order to make us easy as your reader reading your essay.

... represented by France that GOT almost threefold larger (...) had the same value withAS USA in 2010

one important note that you should bear in mind is providing such introductory sentence to let the readers know that the 'thing' which is experiencing 'went up, increased , etc' is not Malaysia or others BUT the figure for them or the number of them.

lastly, it would be better if you group them by the year instead of the country. Because in task one, we are being asked to use language of comparison, or in another word, compare them.
NinaJoesuf25 36 / 66 4  
Nov 21, 2016   #3
A breakdown of the information regarding international tourists arrivedInternational Tourist Arrivals in five different regions between 1995 and 2010 is depicted by using the line chart.Overall, USA broke the record as the highest one. In any case, ....United States of America placed in the top ...

In addition, there were two countries ...

Hi Faizuna, it is important to attach the picture, so we can discuss together.


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