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Interviewing candidates before hiring them as great method for choosing new employees

Riiskacha03 31 / 34 5  
Feb 21, 2016   #1
Most employers interview candidates before hiring them. Do you think this is the best way to do it? In your opinion, what is the best method for choosing employees?

Majority of companies hold on a interview before recruiting new worker of certain profession. I immensely believe that this is not the best way to offering someone a job since some people are not able to show their full ability through the interview, it is better to give them an aptitude test to measure their capability on offered job.

Interviewing the candidate is not the best way to selecting the prospective worker, since it does not covering the ability of the applicant's ability in required position. The test as dialog would immensely analise the capability of someone in communication matter and general knowledge, it cannot involve any practical ability testing and may lead to misjudgement of talented candidate. A technician often lack of communication skill, but they still have required skill, so if they just through the interview, they would not have any chance to show their actual capabilities and the company miss the capable applicant.

The best way to measure candidate's skill is aptitude test. This test could heed the employer to find out the candidate's qualifications which are needed objectively, while the applicant could prove his self as the person who deserve the offered profession. For instance, the bank officer candidate should be tested on Intelligent Quotient (IQ) Test which include the Financial Administration and Trade Test to measures the basic required mathematics skill of the applicant.

In conclusion, the interview would lack of the some indicators of recruiting the applicants which will be filled by aptitude test.
anita11 28 / 20 2  
Feb 26, 2016   #2
Hi Riska,

... an aptitude test to measure their capability on offered jobon the process of recruitment.

... since it does not covering the ability of the applicant's ability in required position.
... the capability of someone in communication matter skill
and general knowledge, it cannot ...
A technician oftenhas(don't forget to write a main verb) lack of communication skill , but ...

... to measures the basic required mathematics skill of the applicant. Consequently?

In conclusion, the interview would lack of the some indicators of ... suggestion ?

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