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The land alterations of the rural area in Stokeford in the course of eight decades started in 1930

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Nov 21, 2016   #1
writing task 1 : map below shows the changes in an American town between 1994 and 2010.

The maps reveal the information about the alteration land of the rural area in Stokeford in the course of eight decades started in 1930. Overall, it was important to bear in mind that farmland was transformed into a residential area and also shops disappeared.

In the west of the street, as we can see that farmland had been removing and as time goes on constructed several settlements along this road. Thus, there was an addition to build a new road was located in the north of post office replaced shops in the past.

Turning to the east of the street, there are several improvements and increasing a new branch of the road as well. In this time, the garden had been demolishing and changed into houses was connected to another way by means of little road. After that, the school had been extended in front of the post office. Thus, retirement house had been constructed replaced the large house. Eventually, farmland and footpath were located in the south of retirement house transform into residence area and a new road.

nda18 46 / 80 9  
Nov 21, 2016   #2
hi mr riandi, these are my thought towards your essay

... information about the alteration landthe land alterations of the rural area in ...

... see that farmland had been removed and as time goes by, several settlements were constructed along this road.

... garden had been demolishinged and changed into...
...Eventually, farmland and footpath were located...
[is there any footpath?]

thank you

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