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IELTS Task 1 : Level of education of Bulgarians planning to leave Bulgaria

alif 12 / 12 2  
May 23, 2015   #1
The chart illustrates the percentage of education level in Bulgarians who want to live in new country in 2002, 2006 and 2008. Overall, it can be seen that among three aspects (higher education, secondary education, and primary and lower education), the secondary education was the most popular for people to leave Bulgaria, while the other levels saw low figure over six years.

In 2002, the number of people with higher education level stood at 65%, which was the highest category every year. This percentage was far higher than secondary education level and primary education, where they began at approximately 18%. Two years later, both of this categories increased slightly by one per cent, however there was a slight decline to 61 percent in secondary level in 2006.

2008 saw a significant decrease in higher education level, it reached at 9 %, which was the lowest level of people. Interestingly, there was a dramatic increase in figure of people with elementary education to 32% over six years. This grade was the second popular after secondary education which remained stable for following years.

justivy03 - / 2363 607  
May 24, 2015   #2
- The chart illustrates the percentage of education level in BulgariansBulgaria for Bulgarians who want to live in newanother country in 2002, 2006 and 2008.

- 2008 saw a significant decrease in higher education level, it reached at 9 %, which was the lowest level of peoplethe chart .

Alif, your analysis was good, you were able to give a detailed analysis of the chart. Just make sure about writing and referring your subject, when you refer to people, they are the "bulgarians" and of course the place where they come from is Bulgaria.

Always proof read your article before you submit it.


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