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"main target is education" - attend college or university for many different reasons.

dhammika1973 8 / 18  
Jun 7, 2011   #1
Topic: People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university?

People attend colleges or universities for several reasons. But, out main target is education, this education can be used for various purposes, as we need. I personally think there are three main reasons for attending the college or university. It is add education qualifications, to have new experience and career development.

When we go to get a job interview, they asking about our qualifications. Therefore, I personally think, gain of qualification is the most important thing during the study period in college or university. Most of the students trying to get high marks for their final examinations and try to get higher positions from final examinations. They think it might be able to get good job for them. Furthermore, some students are planning to do the masters or PhDs after their graduation, if they have good results, then they can get scholarship for their higher studies.

Students also go to schools to have new experiences. During the school hours, they have been studying and they can attend extra curricular activities. Then, they gain more experiences from these sports activities and studies. Other than the sport activities such as scouting, cadeting, St John's Ambulance Brigade etc., are very interesting activities which may improve their leadership ability.

During the studying period students are attending the Information Technology class and they improve their IT experience, because many companies now are asking the IT experience from the applicants. Then students can have better career guidance through their colleges or universities.

In conclusion, People, who are attend the school or university for various reasons they have. First reason is find better job, because it is very important for every one. Some students, they need experiences for their abilities, which also can be helpful to find a good jobs for them. Career development is another reason, that some students are like to have.

dumi 1 / 6850  
Jun 7, 2011   #2
People attend colleges or universities for several reasons. ButHowever , out of all these reasons, their main objective is tomain target isacquire knowledge through education, this educationwhich wouldcan be usedhelp them succeed in lifefor various purposes, as we need .

Inmy opinionpersonally think there are three main reasons for attending the college or university; It is to add educational qualifications, to have new experience and career development.

This is my suggestion for your intro;
People attend college or university for several reasons. However, I personally think that people attend college or university is mainly to acquire new knowledge and skills, gain exposure and prepare for his or her future career.

When we go to getfor a job interview, they asking about our qualifications. Therefore, I personally think, gain ofobtaining paper qualificationsisare the most important thingsduring the study period inthat a student would obtain from college or university. Most of theMany students tryingstrive to getscore high marks for their final examinations and try to gethigherenhance their competitiveness atpositions from final examinations. They think it might bewoulden able them to get good jobs for them . -------------Try to avoid repetition of the same idea many times. You capitalize on the argument that college and uni helps you increase your credentials and thereby improve your competitiveness in the job market. It is true. But, paper qualifications alone would not make you a successful person, both in life and career. There are other important aspects too, such as opportunities for networking with other, socializing etc., that help people accomplish their aspirations
EF_Kevin 8 / 13253  
Jun 8, 2011   #3
Awesome, Dumi! Thanks! I'll do the next part:

Dhammika, make these corrections and practice typing the sentences several times:

Students also go to schools school to have new experiences.

Other than the sports activities such as...

do not capitalize here:
In conclusion, people who attend the school or university have various reasons for doing so. The first reason is to find a better...

OP dhammika1973 8 / 18  
Jun 14, 2011   #4
Thank you very much for dumi and EF_Kevin, now I am learning lots of skills from you and your forum.

Thanks again..

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