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Writing task 1 : map - Comparison the road access to a city hospital between 2007 and 2010

Hammy 13 / 35  
Dec 4, 2018   #1
i'm practicing to write Ielst task1 essay, please help me get high score!!!


Given are the two maps illustrating changes of road access to a city hospital in 2007 and in 2010.

From an overall perspective, infrastructure was noticeably transformed with developments around after 3 years. All changes mostly came from East and South of the city hospital.

In 2010, Public car park on the right of the city hospital was built and also there was another entrance opened in here. Instead of in 2007, there was only an entrance and car park was used for both staff and public. At the south, the map added two roundabouts. One was at the crossway which City road and Hospital road intersected and another located at cross of Ring road and Hospital road.

According to time development, car park used for staff and public before was used for staff in 2010. Six bus stops near Hospital road in 2007 were replaced by a big bus station in South West of the hospital. Even, the bus station was straightly connected with the two roundabouts of Hospital road.

Thanks for reading <3
sillyman2000 19 / 42 9  
Dec 4, 2018   #2
Hi. Is this a describing changes essay? You need to provide a picture related to your essay so that I can fully follow up with your essay.

Your introduction seemed not good grammatically. I would say: "The two given maps demonstrated changes of road access to ...".
OP Hammy 13 / 35  
Dec 6, 2018   #3
oh sr! i forgot it
thanks for your cmts

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