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Money is the key to buying things so that having a good job is extremely necessary for all people

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Jun 9, 2016   #1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money

Nowadays, In the complicated life, money is the most important to buy everything so that having a good job is extremely necessary for all people. besides, some people think that money is not the most important aspect of a job. however, I strongly think that the money a person earns is the most important aspect of a job because it makes people think I am successful, smart and a good condition to get married.

firstly, an essential aspect of a job is the money a person earns is preferable because it let others think I am successful. With the money that I earn from my job, I not only can buy many things for my parent and for myself such as a house, a car, medicines, etc but also can make many traveling for my family. in addition, it also makes me feel happy and confident. because with my success, I can take care of my family.

secondly, I think the most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns because it makes other people think I am intelligent. if I make much money, people think that I am totally smart, so that I can be choose to work for the company. Today, all companies want to have more and more the intelligence people to work with them. thus, other people will think you are smart if you earn much money and work for a large company.

lastly, the most necessary aspect of a job is the money a person earns is the right choice because you will have a good condition to get marriage. you can settle down and develop your family better if you have much money or have a good job. you can support your wife or your husband with the financial. you also can afford for your children to study and bring your children up in better condition.

in conclusion, I think an essential aspect of a job is the money a person earns is the correct one. I believe this because having a well paying job will show everyone that I am smart, successful, and a good candidate for marriage.

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