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News: the truth should be objective rather than subjective

aviniwirastri 10 / 35 11  
Mar 20, 2016   #1
Most people think that the truth should be objective rather that subjective when it comes to the news.
Do you think all news is true?
What is the function of a newspaper?

The main function of news is to inform people about reality so that news should be presented as objective as possible, But the fact says something different. Not all of the news now is based on the truth. Mass media is used to spread an important issue to support certain party. I think it is out of the main purpose of informative media that should be objective.

Back to Nazi era, Media, particularly newspaper, was used as a propaganda agent. Hittler used media to direct people go with what he needed. By this way, we understand that news can be a tool to some group brainstorming the public. It is clearly opposite with what news should be. If we look at a definition of news in dictionary, news means noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events. We can notice the word noteworthy here means essential information that we cannot manipulate or make up a story to replace the fact. Once people get wrong information, they will try to judge something the same with what they have got from the news, even they have no idea about what the truth is.

One of traditional media, newspaper, is still used around the world. although it is now being replaced by some electronic media, it is still popular in society to get information. Newspaper can reach all social classes, started from the poor to the rich and the educated-man to uneducated man. Beside of spreading factual news, newspaper can also be a means of advertising purpose. Because of that, it is not surprising that newspaper is owned by businessmen and some specific allies. While the function of newspaper enlarges, the fact presented in the news is also turned. The owners, which are sometimes involved in a certain party, try to get a support from society by informing lies or non-essential information in order to scapegoat their opponents. It is completely faulty. The absolute truth will always be mysterious.

To conclude, i agree with the statement that news should be objective rather than subjective. As a citizen, i need a news by reading newspaper, watching TV and going on-line, yet i will not always believe what i read and watch. I suggested to not directly capture a raw information. As a smart society, we should categorize a news which is true (or only a rumor) and which is a diverting issue. We must make sure ourselves to not be provoked as what we have learnt from the past. The media should also ensure that the news is the truth as well.
kktuvi 1 / 2  
Mar 20, 2016   #2
There are a few grammar issues/awkward wording issues. For the. Phe first sentence instead of
"The main functions of news is to inform people about reality so that news should be presented as objective as possible, But the fas something different." you could say. "Although the main purpose of the news is to objectively inform people about recent events, unfortunately, this is not always the case."

And you could start of the second paragraph by saying "history has shown us that mass media can be used as a tool to brainWASH the public" and then use your example about the nazis.

And in the last paragraph, some of the sentences sound weird. For example I'm not sure "categorized" is the best word to use.

Perhaps you could change it to something like "as members of society, we need to be able to distinguish between news that....
OP aviniwirastri 10 / 35 11  
Mar 20, 2016   #3
thank you very much, useful help.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Mar 21, 2016   #4
Hi Avin, upon reading and understanding your essay, I find it well organized and you have a very argumentative idea that sparks as a very interesting addition to the essay. It also has a structure that is focused on the purpose of the essay, most of the essays tend to go far from the main goal of the article and this will make the essay longer and out of perspective and this bores the readers and more importantly the critics, but you manage to focus the essay in its specific purpose.

However, the essay needs a little work on the part were you repeat words and mainly the subject, if you have already specified the subject, in this case the role of newspaper and the media, you can already replace it with "The" or "It", this will not only make the essay interesting but also leave a good transition from the previous paragraph.

I suggest that you revise the essay with caution and keep it straight to the point, as it is already but with well refined words that is used in the sentences and this will eventually create a well written essay.
OP aviniwirastri 10 / 35 11  
Mar 21, 2016   #5
thank you contributor, i will do what you advise.
RAY93 35 / 185 136  
Mar 26, 2016   #6
hi, aviniwirastri. here my comments. keep writing

so that news should be presented as objective as possible the proper words to match with news are announce, deliver, reveal, share, print, publish, release, report

Back to Nazi era, Media, particularly newspaper, was used as a propaganda agent. Hittler used media to directcontrol/manipulate people go with what he needed.

By this way, we understand that news can be a toolmedia, item, sourceto some groupplural/singular issue brainstorming the public. It is clearly opposite with what news should be. If w

The absolute truth will always be mysterious. need a connector to keep the cohesion

. I suggested to not directly capturedigest,absorb, a raw information. As a smart society, we should categorize a news which is true (or only a rumor) and which is a diverting issue. how?

We must make sure ourselves to not be provoked as what we have learnt from the past ?.

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