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The number both sexes joining the evening courses and the proportion of ages following these courses

irhame 52 / 49 25  
Nov 2, 2015   #1
A breakdown of the number of both sexes attending several evening courses in adult education center in 2009 and the proportion of participants' ages in these courses, these are illustrated in the bar and line chart. Overall, while women's figure for the language course witnessed the highest number of others courses, the participants aged 50 and above dominated in this chart.

To begin, although the number of men in Sculpture course was 10 people, the language course experienced the twofold number for men. However, while the women in the Sculpture course revealed the lowest number of participants at about 5 females, they were the highest number in the Language course at 40 participants. Furthermore, while men's number in Drama course has the same figure as the Sculpture course, the women of this course have shown a double portion of men's number. Then, with gap 5 people, the number of males was lower than women at 25 and 30 people repetitively.

On the other hand, while people aged 50 or over tended to take the courses, the participants aged under 20 were more less likely to contribute in this courses. The following this, at 26%, the 40-49 age group was the second highest figure for courses' members. Then, people aged 20-29 and 30-39 witnessed a slight gap only 5 percent at 11% and 16% repetitively.

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