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The optimum location for wind turbine is in high land as the wind strengths are maximum

Stacy Handayani 29 / 16 19  
May 7, 2015   #1
The diagrams give information with regard to the design of wind turbine and its optimum locations. Overall, it can be seen that there are 4 components and 1 building needed to design a wind turbine, and also it is evident that location influence the strength of the wind and the amount of electricity produced.

To build a wind turbine, it needs an area, the wind turbine, and a buliding to control the wind turbine. Wind turbine contains of 4 components, the first element is steel tower which is planted to the ground and has a function to hold 3 other components, blades, wind sensor, and generator. The Blades are made from fibreglass or wood which will spin when the wind blows. Behind the blades, there is a wind sensor which its function is to measure the speed and the direction of wind blow. The data of wind's direction and angle also can be seen from the computer located in the building near by the wind turbine. Afterwards, generator collects energy from wind strength and produces 1.5 megawatts electricity.

However, the optimum location for wind turbine is in high land as the wind strengths are maximum. The wind turbine also can be constructed in the sea, eventhough the wind strength are not optimal than in highland, the landscape will not be spoilt by the turbine. Afterwards, the turbine also be located in domestic area, but it only produce 100 kilowatts electricity.

ChristineB - / 98 55  
May 8, 2015   #2
Stacy, your information is accurate and complete, but I think my suggestions will help make your writing "sound" better. It's challenging to try to clearly describe the workings of a complex piece of machinery! My advice for future projects would be to simplify and shorten your sentences, plan out your paragraph contents (restrict a paragraph to one main idea, start a new paragraph for each new idea), double check your punctuation/capitalization, and proofread for mistakes.

Home / Writing Feedback / The optimum location for wind turbine is in high land as the wind strengths are maximum
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