The charts provide information about various ways of buying tickets to different recreational facilities in Australia,UK and Malaysia and the percentage breakdown of the age groups, preferring to buy tickets on-line in each of the above countries.
It's evident that the overwhelming majority of the concerned in all three countries chose to buy tickets from Desktop computer. Just under 60% in Australia and slightly above this number in both UK and Malaysia.
Laptop as a means of purchase was chosen by around 30% of UK residents and appeared to be a bit more popular in Australia and Malaysia with roughly 42% and 45% respectively.
Finally, Mobile phones turned out to be the least common means of access with the figures varying from around 22% to 32% in all three countries.
As regards the age of people who were buying tickets on-line in 2006, it's clear that the young outnumbered older generation in Australia and UK (55% versus 45% and 55% versus 40% respectively). However in Malaysia the trend was quite reverse. People aged 65+ tent to buy on-line a bit more that those, aged 25-44.
It's evident that the overwhelming majority of the concerned in all three countries chose to buy tickets from Desktop computer. Just under 60% in Australia and slightly above this number in both UK and Malaysia.
Laptop as a means of purchase was chosen by around 30% of UK residents and appeared to be a bit more popular in Australia and Malaysia with roughly 42% and 45% respectively.
Finally, Mobile phones turned out to be the least common means of access with the figures varying from around 22% to 32% in all three countries.
As regards the age of people who were buying tickets on-line in 2006, it's clear that the young outnumbered older generation in Australia and UK (55% versus 45% and 55% versus 40% respectively). However in Malaysia the trend was quite reverse. People aged 65+ tent to buy on-line a bit more that those, aged 25-44.