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[TOEFL] Should we pay professional athletes (entertainers) a high salary?

alice0209 12 / 18 12  
Jul 30, 2013   #1
Topic:Should we pay professional athletes (entertainers) a high salary?
(Do professional athletes deserve their high salary?)

Professional athletes and entertainers earn a huge amount of money that is hard to imagine. Most of the people spending their whole life can never achieve this. This salary gap between those famous people and us leads to a question-do those professional athletes and entertainers deserve this money? From my prospect, I believe that they do deserve this high payment.

First of all, a worker's salary can properly reflect his/her competence and value on his/her career. Therefore, those who are paid high salaries must exceed others and achieve something incredible in certain ways. They are not paid for no reason. As we are now live in a competent world, we must show ourselves to be great enough so as to convince the employer that we deserve a better payment. It's all the same in every profession. That's why the richest athletes usually correspond to the greatest athletes in their fields, namely Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods.

Second, such high salaries can also guarantee and support the athlete's great performances. Most of us only see the luxurious side of a rich athlete and ignore how may difficulties they've gone through and how much cost they've thrown into investing themselves. They shall reap within their high salaries. In other words, if they are not paid high enough in order to conform to their performances, there might not be such brilliant performances for us to be amazed.

Some people might argue that the gap between the rich athletes and normal people is so huge that it seems to be unfair. However, in my opinion, as long as everyone has equal chances to pursue his/her dreams and careers, that would be fair. Fairness is not about equal payments for everyone, but equal chances to acquire the same goal or accomplishment.

In conclusion, high salary for athletes is what they deserve in accordance with their own achievements and also a guarantee for quality performances. It is a positive encouragement for many more talented people to contribute to the world of athletics and entertainment, giving us awesome performances to enjoy.
dolly 12 / 32 1  
Jul 30, 2013   #2
From my prospect- I am not sure, but " from my perspective" is better.Even I need clarification on this.

As we are now live in a competent world- As we now live in a competent world.

we must show ourselves to be great enough- " we must prove ourselves worthy enough" sounds better.

Fairness is not about equal payments for everyone, but equal chances to acquire the same goal or accomplishment.- Great point!!

In other words, if they are not paid high enough in order to conform to their performances, there might not be such brilliant performances for us to be amazed. - I don't agree with this because I believe their performances do not depend on the salaries they get. So, to prove your point if you can give some example then that would be great.
MisterWandering 18 / 321 130  
Jul 30, 2013   #3
Professional athletes and entertainers earn a huge amount of money that is hard to imagine

It is true that professional athletes and entertainers earn a huge amount of money.

Most of the people spending their whole life can never achieve this.

while other professionals earn significantly lower.

-do those professional athletes and entertainers deserve this money?

whether they deserve this huge sum of money

From my prospect,

In my opinion

Therefore, those who are paid high salaries must exceed others and achieve something incredible in certain ways

Therefore, those who deliver exceptional performance are likely to earn higher salaries than others.

show ourselves

prove ourselves

how may difficulties they've gone through

how many difficulties they have overcome

how much cost

how much/the cost

Fairness is not about equal payments for everyone, but equal chances to acquire the same goal or accomplishment.

I think this is a strong point :)
I hope these help!
OP alice0209 12 / 18 12  
Jul 31, 2013   #4
To dolly:

Thanks a lot!!!
Ya, my second point isn't that clear and strong. I should think about how to elaborate on it.
What I am trying to say might be that if those great athletes are not paid in accordance with their great performances, they might feel not being respected and this could affect their performances.
Sacredhoop56 1 / 10 4  
Aug 1, 2013   #5
Wages are set by skill set. All skill sets are different depending on many attributes, level of education, fit within the company paying the employee. Competitive athletes are also paid on skill set. All have the ability to achieve their individual skill set for their profession. The fact is that there will always be those that are better than the next at something. If they earn their salary because they are best at their skill set, who are we to complain.

:) I sway back and forth on this same question. A lot of money but as you also said a lot of entertainment for those that watch. I finally put in perspective for me, it is all about skill set. What do you bring to the table (the employer) the more you bring, the more you get paid.

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