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IELTS; Who should pay tuition fees for adults who are interested in university studies?

Gichki 4 / 5  
Mar 10, 2014   #1
Task: Many people think that the government should pay the tuition fees for all adults who are interested in university studies. Do you agree or disagree?

Education is very crucial for every human being. Most emphasis is given to acquiring education and even it is said that for seeking knowledge you should not avoid going to any part of the world. Various international organizations are working hard to provide higher education to the people of under privileged countries. This is education which plays a vital role for the mental grooming of people and making them able enough to differentiate right from wrong.

Statistics shows that not all the students who have studied till intermediate level get enough opportunities to further continue their studies. In Africa up to 20% of the students cannot carry on their studies. This is due to lack of facilities or the economic condition does not allow them to further continue their studies. And such students are forced by their luck to leave their studies incomplete and tolerate hardships to earn a living. I strongly recommend the government should pay intensive attention to provide the tuition fees of such students who are will to study but cannot due to lack of opportunities.

Higher education is not affordable by all the adults. The government should provide them with various opportunities ,like,scholarships , so that they can complete there education and in return they will serve their nation in a better way. The developed nations of the world pay intensive care for promoting higher education. That is why they have developed in every field. Even the government should provide them with overseas scholarships so that they seek education from a well educated nation and in return play a vital role for the development of the country.

Therefore, it is concluded that the government should do its best to provide all the facilities along with the tuition fees to the adult students in order to promote higher education.And in return the result will always be fruitful.

JasS 10 / 30  
Mar 10, 2014   #2
You didn't answer the question (Do you agree or disagree?) in your introduction! When the question asks whether you agree or disagree, you can either express a strong opinion (completely agree or disagree) or you can express a balanced opinion (partly agree, or agree to a certain extent). ;-)
jon_snow 8 / 28 5  
Mar 10, 2014   #3
hi, don't get lost in your hook. it is always better if you keep your hook short. A hook should not be more than 2 sentences. Moreover you did not mentioned your opinion in your intro.

Next, state your reasons at the beginning of your body para. this will help reader to follow your essay more comfortably. in addition, it will make your writing coherent and we all know coherent writing is the key of success.

overall sentence structure is good. Work on the paragraph structure and you can write an outstanding essay.

wish you all the best
Pahan 1 / 1899 553  
Mar 10, 2014   #4
hi, don't get lost in your hook. it is always better if you keep your hook short. A hook should not be more than 2 sentences.

Very good piece of advice by jon_snow. The hook is to hook the reader's attention and short and sweet is the best way to handle a hook :D

Education is very crucial for every human being.

This is more than enough to get a good start. Now get to the background of the issue!
dumi 1 / 6909 1592  
Mar 10, 2014   #5
Higher education is not affordable by all the adults.

Well, I don't see this as a strong reason to justify your position - government should sponsor adult education. Just because all people cannot afford, it is not fair for one to expect government to pay for it. The government should pay for it if there is a valuable return to the country's economy. You need to give some convincing justification for that. Tell why such adult education is important for a nation.

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