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TOEFL- How people's behavior is influenced by TV and movies?

Ergenekon 1 / 1  
Jul 11, 2013   #1
How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons
and specific examples to support your answer.
Influence of TV
It is impossible to separate modern human from movies or television. I am sure if there was a survey asking - what would you take to a lonely island with you? - The answer would be the TV. So how the television influence our lives?

Television keeps us informed. Whether you want to know what happens in a remote African country, or if you want to know you will be wet because of the rain tomorrow, when you go to work, you can find these news or weather forecast on TV. You do not need newspapers anymore, because one need to allocate more time for reading than watching the same sized news, not to mention lively motion that televisions provide. For example, one thing is you are reading the news about the coup in Egypt, another thing is that you are watching live broadcasting from the place where the events happen. The difference is obvious.

In addition to news another influence of TV is through movies. Researchers point out how the movies affect our brains unconsciously. It is not wonder that Hitler and other dictators used movies as a means of propaganda. In war times, politics can use movies to agitate or prepare people for a war. Such examples could be shown from the history of the war between the USA and Vietnam. There were creation of many war movies those times.

In some cases, people watching these movies try to imitate the heroes of these movies. For example, when the film "Rocky" was presented to public, the boxing became very popular among the young. You could say how young people endeavor to look like the boxer in this movie.

Finally, television is a means of advertisements that are more effective and faster in reaching the customer time that other means of media. Advertisements on TVs urge people to buy things that in many cases they don't want to buy. For example, child who is fan of a basketball team, after watching how his favorite basketball player dresses boots from Nike, will have desire to buy the boots of the same company.

I could remain a lot of other influences of TV on our lives, like political choices in polls, advices about how to dress or what to eat, etc, but I think all counted above are enough to imagine the extent of influence it has.
OP Ergenekon 1 / 1  
Jul 12, 2013   #2
Thank you for the suggestions. However I think my essay conforms to these rules
gmad06 20 / 151 55  
Jul 12, 2013   #3
Hi Ergenekon,
Welcome to the forum. Please allow me to give you some useful tips.
An essay should be more passive or more of the writer talking about his opinion, and not asking the reader for some answers.
In your intro you should give a little bit of background sentences about TV,shows and human behaviour.

you have good ideas for your body paragraphs,you just didn't present them clearly.
Since the prompt is asking about behaviour your ideas should focus more on:
how it can make people upset
how it can persuade you to buy something
how it can inspire you to make more out of yourself

try to summarize all these ideas on your last paragraph.try to get one common thing among your ideas.
don't talk about you have more ideas but the things you mentioned are enough.

hope this helps...
yucky 6 / 9 7  
Jul 12, 2013   #4
There are many mistakes in your essay . I suggest you shoud make your sentences short , easy to understand rather than using complicated structures and phrases . I also think that you should use more linking words like firstly, sencondly,... to improve your coherence. You should avoid using the word "you" in your essay because it is not widely accepted and you may be penalized using it.

There are some tips which I hope they will help you:
Paragraph Structure:
first supporting sentence=> 1->2 examples
second supporting sentence=> 1->2 examples
you may make it three supporting ideas but two are acceptable.

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