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People have different views regarding the best age to learn new languages

goldieu 5 / 8  
Oct 6, 2016   #1
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

People have different views regarding the best age to learn new languages. There are many people believe that students at primary schools should start learning other languanges and should not wait till secondary school. However, this view may bring some advantages along with some disadvantages. This essay will further discuss if include foreign language study to the primary stages is beneficial and if disadvantages may occur in the later stages.

On the one hand, picking up a foreign language enables children to develop a better foundation in a foreign language. They are more likely to speak it more confidently in front of the crowds. It is evident that children who learn a new language tend to make fewer mistakes in writing an essay. To mention that, they will have the ability to express things more clearly as they have a better vocabulary than those who start late. In addition, they may come across with foreign cultures when learning a foreign language. By knowing the culture of others, they may not facing the cultural shock and able to adapt well when staying in other countries for the purpose like studying. Obviously, they are become more knowledgeable and more open-minded which help them to look at a specific issue from different perspectives.

On the other hand, graders studying only three or four years in the school even at that moment do not properly concentrate on the lessons. It could be difficult to push children to learn something else besides their curriculum subjects. For instance, my little brother always wants to play, even if there are loose ends. In addition, students of a primary school firstly should learn the fundamentals of exact science such as Mathematics and Physics. Otherwise, they might not understand them later. Furthermore, if a student does not know his native language perfectly, it is useless to learn a foreign dialect for him.

In conclusion, I believe that teaching a foreign language would be more appropriate at primary level as its advantages clearly outweigh its disadvantages.
fauziyahtami 22 / 38 6  
Oct 6, 2016   #2
Dear Vina,
Hope you enjoy your night, yet lemme give you some suggestions

==> ... should start learning other languan ges and should not ...
==> However, this view may bring [...] disadvantages may occur in the later stages(you have mentioned this statement previously, I think you can straight to the point by reducing this sentence or mix both of sentence).

==> On the one hand, picking up a foreign ... They are more likely to speak it more confidently ...(I didn't get the relation between the first sentence and the further, perhaps you may strengthen your explanation by connecting both of sentences)

==> .., they may not facing(face) the cultural shock and able to (...) purpose like (such as) studying.
==>Obviously, they become more knowledgeable and more open-minded which ... (You have mentioned your idea and the explanation but there is no example, you have to add at least one heavy example)

==> On the other hand, graders studying only three or four years in the school (school? which level? primary or secondary school?) even at that moment do not ...

==> .., even if there are loose ends (you may complete your instance by using 5W 1 H, definitely, you already were known).
==> ... his native language perfectly, it is useless to learn a foreign dialect for him (what does it mean? students must be well known about their native language automatically, and what's the matter with a foreign dialect? it's possible to give more explanation or exacerbate your statement)

==> In conclusion, I believe that teaching a foreign language would be more appropriate at primary ... (you've done great, you have declared clearly. still, you can add support conclusion such as an advice, due to the benefits, government may force primary school gain a foreign language as a subject)

Good luck and keep writing vin :)
justivy03 - / 2366 607  
Oct 6, 2016   #3
Hi Goldvina, please find a few additional suggestions below;

- On the other hand, gradersstudents studying
- only three or four years in the school even at
- that moment does not properly
- else besides their curriculum subjects( curriculum / subjects - this words are synonymous to each other so you have to choose and not use both of them in a sentence ) .

- ... wants to play, even if there are loose ends.( what do you mean by this sentence? )

- In addition, students of a primary school firstly should
- to learn a foreign dialectlanguage for him.

There you have it Goldvina, overall, the essay is managed well, however, there are a few instances that you translate the ideas literally and the end result is a complicated sentence that may not be good or does not coincide the message you are trying to send to your readers.

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