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People should learn other country culture from their own experience, rather than just by watching TV

ririchwang 6 / 5 4  
Apr 8, 2015   #1
Some people say that you can learn more about another country by watching television programmes and films about it than by actually visiting it. How true is this statement? Is there anything you can learn about another country by visiting it that you cannot learn by watching programmes and films about it?

Being knowledgeable about other cultures is a growing trend nowadays. While some people learn about another country by visiting it, others argue that ones can gain knowledge simply by watching it through the television programmes and movies. I personally think that it is true to be able to learn by watching. Nevertheless, people cannot value another country just by seeing it in a small screen as there is no guarantee about the truth and they cannot experience the feeling of what they used to view from the screen.

Even though people can easily learn other cultures through the screen, there is still sort of things they cannot find by watching. Firstly, they would not be able to get the feel as when they visit directly. They just know it theoretically, not personally. For example, people know the temperature of tropic country by seeing it in channel, but they do not know how hot is in there. Thus, experiencing it is one important thing which is not available in reality shows or films.

In addition, most of programmes provided in television tend to be a good one as to have a high-rated achievement. This is why everything showed on the screen is questionable. People may learn languages by just seeing or hearing from television. Nevertheless, as the willing of the producer to bring up the country internationally by releasing a great and well-shown film, they cannot warrant the validity especially historical movies. Therefore, people cannot judge the country by television.

A lot of people seem to think that it is easier recently to learn other countries as many a good program about cultural is produced. However, the truth about the program and the feeling are just something people have to experience directly.
mohjawahir 11 / 17  
Apr 8, 2015   #2
In addition, most of programmes provided in television tend to be a good one as to have a high-rated achievement.
thutyedaniel 32 / 30 17  
Apr 8, 2015   #3
A lot of people seem to think that it is easier recently to learn other countries as many a good program about cultural is produced. However, the truth about the program and the feeling are just something people have to experience directly. (you should add personal though, like your suggestion)
irhame 52 / 49 25  
Apr 9, 2015   #4
as to have a high-rated achievement
there is no verb

there is still sort of things they cannot find by watching television programmes
you should make it specific

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