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People can be measured by their habits, not by the clothes they wear, as some suggest

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Oct 5, 2016   #1
Some people say that the clothes people wear are the most important indication of what they are like. Others, however, say that people should not be judged by the clothes they wear.

Discuss both views

Several people think that human appearance can make a sign to one another, yet others have an opposite statement which they can not be marked person by their apparel. I am more likely to believe the second statement which says that human can not be judged other person from what they wear. This is because people who wear tidy clothes is not reflected have a good attitude.

Nowadays, society always following evolution era include styles of clothes. This is due to the fact that human wants to good performance in every activity. Even people try to imitate celebrity wears like their dress. For example, fans follow lifestyle idol such as wear a neckless, clothes, hat, or even tattoo. As a result, people's lives have a big impact of celebrity habits. After that, society always judges people by their wear, for instance, human appearance with that situation have a bad attitude.

However, some people think that do not mark others by their wear. This because many official who have tidy apparel have a good attitude. For instance, white collar crime which exists in my country gives an evidence that a good behavior is not reflected by their clothes. Consequently, many people have the wrong mindset about people appearance. This is no doubt that, society do not be deceived on people clothes.

In brief, it is clearly seen that although many dwellers think can judge people from the cover, inhabitants can be measured rate of person attitudes by their habits, not clothes. I suggest people be careful to judge others because the uniform is not reflecting their attitudes. Many people were trapped with this event and difficult to find a solution to close with other people.
Bekuk22 15 / 21 3  
Oct 5, 2016   #2
hello there..
here are some corrections for you, may some corrections help your writing..

... human appearance can make a sign to one another( can represent as their own characteristic )

... says that human can not(cannot)be judged other person

... clothes is not reflected have a good attitude .( as person who has good attitude)

Nowadays, society always following(follow) evolution era include ...

After that, society always judges people by their wear( their fashion ), for instance, human appearance ...

This because (it is caused by )many official who have tidy ...

thank you...
Fitri12 28 / 53 6  
Oct 6, 2016   #3
Hi Ryan, you have a pretty good essay, the following are my comments:

This is because people who wear tidy ... (This is because people (plural) who wear tidy clothes ARE not reflected as ...)

Nowadays, society always following ... (society always follows the trend including styles of clothes).

Keep practicing. Thank you.

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