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People can strive some efforts to maintain their health, by changing their routines. IELTS 2

Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
Aug 12, 2016   #1
Some people say that in the modern world it is very difficult for people to have a healthy lifestyle. Others, however, say that it is easy for people to be healthy and fit if they want to be.

Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

Here are my introduction and conclusion for this task.

In this modern era, most people argue that it is a feat to practice a healthy lifestyle. However, the optimism believe that it is possible as well as they desire to keep fit. This essay will examine both of these views.

To sum up, undoubtedly, there are some difficulties to life healthy in this ages. However, I personally believe that people can strive some efforts to maintain their health, such as by changing their routines. Where possible, they can take regularly exercise during their leisure time, at least in the weekend.
kobayakawa07 8 / 13  
Aug 12, 2016   #2
Hi Ilmi. It's nice to know you here. I like your conclusion and introduction. It shows wide range of your question there.

However, the optimismOptimists believe that it is possible as ...

I think that's all .Thank you very much
molly16 9 / 10  
Aug 12, 2016   #3
Hi Ilmi

i suggest u to give your thesis statement in your introduction and elaborate with the other paraphrase, because i don't know your position and opinion to answer that question : Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion "

this is my introduction :

Novelty, having a fit body is primary purposes in human's life. While people in the fashionable world strive hardly to obtain the healthy living, I would argue that it is not always difficult to keep body in fit with a lot of exercise.
yon959 6 / 7 4  
Aug 13, 2016   #4
I suggest you not to use the typical opening as "in modern era". the opening is too typical and will not help you score higher.

Also, there are only introduction and conclusion in your thread. It is merely possible for others giving useful advice.

Home / Writing Feedback / People can strive some efforts to maintain their health, by changing their routines. IELTS 2
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