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Public libraries should be preserved, and these are not a waste of public money

amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Oct 31, 2016   #1
Some people say that public libraries are an important public resource and should be free, others say that they are just a waste of public money.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Keeping public libraries open

It is commonly believed that libraries are essential public places and therefore should be no charge for people when entering these locations while some argue they only squander public money. In my opinion, government should continue to spend money on public libraries so as to ensure the distribution of knowledge for all people.

Opponents who assume funding public libraries are kind of wasting money because they only see few people coming to these places. For example, Aksara library, state-owned library located in south Jakarta, opens from Monday to Saturday at 10a.m - 5p.m. But, the average number of people who come is merely 40 to 60 per week, which is very few people coming. As a result, they believe that it does not give any significant impact and solely squanders government's money.

However, I would argue public libraries must be preserved regardless whether or not they waste public money. The problem is not about squandering money, but how government improving the interest of reading due to the fact knowledge is rights for people. By preserving public libraries and improving reading interest, it will vouch the equality in education for all people and generate many well-educated people that will be useful for the future government or country itself. In addition, if government does not support public libraries, it maybe causes such places have to close and government keeps struggling with the same issue, which is educational equity.

To sum up, I do not believe spending money on public libraries is a waste. Therefore, another measure, such as enhancing reading interest, should be implemented in order to create educated people. Keeping public libraries remain available to all is the most appropriate course of action to maintain rights of people in education.

Home / Writing Feedback / Public libraries should be preserved, and these are not a waste of public money
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