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Pupils are pressed by their surroundings like academic circle even for commercial purposes

faizunaa17 49 / 91  
Nov 28, 2016   #1
"Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social and commercial perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?

Nowadays, pupils have pressed by their surroundings such as their academic circle, social society, even for commercial purposes. In my opinion it is extremely harmful for them because it will create worst childhood memory. There are two main reasons that cause their highly pressures. The first one is come from their inner circle: high parents' expectation, and the second one is from external surrounding: facing global challenge. So, to reduce that, children should be developed based on their passions, and also growing their sense of awareness.

First of all, as a result of worldwide competitions, parents' expectation for today's pupils is increasing significantly rather than in the past time. Taken an example of that, today, both father and mother are decided to take their children in early education system such as play group even train them with many lessons like basic mathematics, logical test, and others. Moreover, they usually restrict their children to socialize with their environment and make them to keep stay at home to study. Secondly is caused by global challenge. Because of the raise of world's inhabitants, it brings effect that many young people become unemployment, so the children are pressed from early age to prepare their bright future. They know that their own future careers will have though competition, so the best way to prepare it, is making pressure in academic as their "daily food".

Unfortunately, it usually causes enormous stressful in their mind, so here it is some solutions to break that problem. First, their parents must know their pupils' passionate. It is because if the children are pressed by the parents, but it their own passion, they will be happy to do it. For instance, if the children keen on drawing, then the parents give many exercises of that, they will not feel pressured. Second, it is extremely great if the children already have awareness why they should be pressured, so their teachers, friends, also parents must grow and give clear explanation about the future condition. If the pupils already aware, they will have strong motivation from their mind, even do not feel any pressures because they already know why they must do it.

All in all, parents' expectation and global challenge, that become the primary reasons for people that press the children are not becoming big problems since the children do it based on their passion and already have tremendous sense of awareness.
yurikeyuri 43 / 60 2  
Nov 28, 2016   #2
Hello Faiz, let me give my correction for you

In my opinion, it is extremely harmful forto them because it will ...

... that cause their highlyhigh pressures.

make them to keep stay at ...
Secondly, is

high parents' expectation, and the second

thank you
IvanMS027 43 / 56 9  
Nov 28, 2016   #3
high parents' expectation

high expectation of parents

... based on their passions, and also growingGROWN their sense of awareness.

... and make them to keep stay at home to study.


Secondly is caused by global challenge.

secondly, IT is caused by THE global challenge.

Because of the raise RISING NUMBER of world's inhabitants, it brings AN effect that many ...

..., so here it is ARE some solutions ...
... many exercises of that, AND they will not feel pressured.
... already have THE awareness why they (...), also parents must grow and give A clear explanation about theIR future condition .

I hope it can be useful for you.
Goodluck and Keep Spirited.

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