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IELTS - Task 1 : rental charges and salaries in three areas of London

samenmohammad 10 / 19  
Jul 29, 2012   #1
The table below provide information on rental charges and salaries in three areas of London.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Area Weekly rents per property (£/w)
1 bed 2 bed 3 bed
Notting Hill 375 485 738
Regent's Park 325 450 650
Fulham 215 390 600
Area Salaries needed (£/year)
1 bed 2 bed 3 bed
Notting Hill 98,500 127,500 194,000
Regent's Park 85,500 118,000 170,500
Fulham 56,500 102,500 157,500
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

The table illustrates and compares weekly rents and salaries needed annually for three different kinds of houses in London. As can be seen the largest numbers are for Notting Hill area and houses with 3 beds.

According to the table, in Notting Hill area figures are £375, £485 and £738 for 1 bed, 2 bed and 3 bed respectively. These numbers show that part of London area one of the expensive areas and people who want to live there should earn at least £98500 in a year.

As regards Regent's Park area, the prices are slightly lower that Notting Hill, which stand at £325, £450 and £650 for 1 bed, 2 bed and 3 bed houses. Although the minimum salaries to rent a house in this area is £85599 for 1 bed, but for 3 bed is not very low (£170500), compare to other figures in table.

When it comes to Fulham area, numbers are dramatically lower that two previous areas. The figure for 1 bed is only £215 in a week which is about a half of 1 bed house rent in Notting Hill. It is interesting that number reported for 3 bed in this area is not very less than the other areas.

This conclusion can be drawn that the the most expensive area that maybe one of the best area in London, is Notting Hill while the lowest prices is related to Fulham area. Moreover, renting a 3 bed house in three areas have relatively similar prices and people who like to live in these houses should earn higher incomes.
ah_zafari [Contributor] 40 / 672 148  
Aug 1, 2012   #2
three different kinds of houses in London

First of all, the topic is not about "different houses" , but it is about" three different areas". Areas and Houses are different (consider this). Second of all, the use of "type" is more formal than "kind".

How about TIME?

As can be seenIn general, the largest numbers

Never use "it can be seen" because the examiner will not have the question booklet.

1 bed, 2 bed and 3one, two and three bed respectively

Write the numbers under 10 in words.

These numbersrental costs show that, Notting Hillpart of London areais one of the most expensive areas in London and people who wantare going to live there shouldneed to earn at least £98500 in aper year.

Although the minimum salaries to rent a house in this area is £85599 for 1 bed, but for 3 bed is not very low (£170500), compare to other figures in table

This sentence is too vague. Revise it. By the way, u must not use "Although" with "but".


Do not use "numbers". Use "rental charges", "results", and the like.

It is interesting that number reported for 3 bed in this area is not very less than the other area (157500 pounds)


probably is a better word
OP samenmohammad 10 / 19  
Aug 1, 2012   #3
Hi Ahmad,
Thank you for your great comments.

I have a question. Would you please say me how can I be better in writing? I wrote a lot, but I think I couldn't develop in writing. Should I write more or read more samples and get their ideas?

ah_zafari [Contributor] 40 / 672 148  
Aug 2, 2012   #4
I have a question. Would you please saytell me how can I be better in writing? I wrote a lot, but I think I couldn't develop in writing. Should I write more or read more samples and get their ideas?

Yes, this is a good idea. As a I told you before, reading and writing are linked. Read a variety of texts to be familiarized with various subjects. I recommend you to read three books which are really useful and they helped me a lot. 1) Focus on Vocabulary : This book not only improves your vocabulary, but also ameliorates your reading and writing skills since it includes interesting, long texts and u can see how professional writers open an introduction, and how organize their ideas. 2) Another helpful book is "For and Against": This book contains argumentative passages that may help you to improve your writing and your ability in analysis of a topic and discussion. 3) The Practical Writer With Reading: Read this book if you want to increase your information about structure and organization of an essay. This book starts with paragraph writing and it is followed by 5 paragraph essay. It also teaches you how to write an article, a process, as well as very good information about punctuation has been provided in this book.

Hope this helps
Good luck

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