The role of eco-tourism in society is educating for both traveller and local communities and protects our ecosystem. The role of eco-tourism in society is educated for both traveller and local communities. SP1: Educating through legal regulation SD1: To provide the legal basis for supervising environment related activities The role of eco-tourism in society is protecting our ecosystem. SP1: Create a system of protected area. SD1: Special use of forest that can be classified into national parks, nature reserves, forests of social culture and environmental sites.
I am not sure what kind of review you want for this paragraph. All I can tell is that it has a tendency to be redundant as you use the term "The role of Eco-tourism in society is educating / educated..." Don't use the same sentence structure successively in your presentation as this tends to confuse the reader who may think that you have accidentally repeated yourself in the essay. I am not sure what the colon indicated phrases mean either. I wish you had given us an explanation of what you are trying to do before you left the essay for review. It is impossible to review the rest of your essay because you did not give us the prompt parameters for our assistance. I think you should be presenting the SP and SD sections in an outline format so that it will be easier for the reader to keep track of your discussion outline in relation to your actual paragraph discussion. As a thesis statement, this presentation is not effective at all. You need to develop your thesis statement presentation skills in order come up with a more interesting discussion presentation for your essay.
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