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IELTS-Many shops work for 24 hours a day 7 days a week; Compare customer, shop keeper

devabe2005 46 / 97  
Jan 19, 2013   #1
Many shops work for 24 hours a day 7 days a week; some people see it as a good idea, while others don't. Compare different views of customers, shop workers and the whole society of this subject and give your opinion about it.

Nowadays, shops work for twenty four hours and seven days a week to get more profit. Some people think that is a good notion and others discord with it. In this essay, I will explore the statement based on customers, shop workers and whole society.

According to customers view, it is immense advantage for customers if shop opens for twenty four hours a week. In emergency, they can buy medicines at the midnight. For example, recently my cousin infected with wheezing problem and he struggle for breathing at night and prescribed medicine is over at home. On that time his father went to medical shop and buy medicines for him. It is an enormous advantage in emergency period.

On the other hand, according to shop workers view, it is a great disadvantage for shop workers if they work for more hours that result in stress and anxiety. Moreover there will not be much customers result in more use of man power electricity and it lead to loss of the company. For example, my neighbor shop works all twenty four hours due to greediness and there is no profit at night time result in close of shop due to insufficient fund.

In addition, based on whole society it is useless to open shops at midnight there will be less or no customers for the shopkeeper. People will sleep at night so no one comes for shopping.

In a nutshell, by comparing customers, shop workers and whole society view it is unnecessary to open a shop at night it will be a significant loss to the shop keeper. Only at emergency time need a shop but if people should buy their items in advance at the day time itself which result in wealthy and prosperous world.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Jan 19, 2013   #2
According to customers view, it is immense advantage for customers if shop opens for twenty four hours a week.

If we look from the customers point of view, it is a huge advantage for them if the shops are open twenty four hours everyday.

For example, recently my cousin infected with wheezing problem and he struggle for breathing at night and prescribed medicine is over at home.

For example, my cousin was recently infected with a wheezing problem and he was struggling to breathe one night because his prescribed medicine has been used up.

You need to work on your grammar.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jan 19, 2013   #3
Nowadays, shops work for twenty four hours and seven days a week to get more profit.

... you "earn profit" ;
Nowadays, many shops service their customers for all twenty hours and seven days a week to earn better profits and be more competitive in the industry.

I added the competitiveness as an idea to this sentence, because many shops do this not mainly for profits but to maintain their competitiveness. Otherwise they would loose their loyal customers too :)
joythblessy 86 / 272 15  
Jan 20, 2013   #4
Hai Dev..

In each view try to add disadvantages too..

:When...Ř›..:When my cousin was suffered with asthmatic problem...

Overall good attempt..


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