How Simple Ideas Led to Scientific Discoveries
In this TED video, Chris Aderson explained about the research from previous generation. First of all, he mentioned Richard that had been done with insertion research, used wagon as their item. Next, the speaker said about Erastothenes who carried out the diameter of earth by made a calculation way from Sweden to Alexandria. Moreover, he told Galileo research about speed of light and it had been continuing by Armand F. with light beam research. All in all, the speaker said that if someone wanted to do discover about anything, they can look at the previous research by the old Scientifics to broaden their horizon and also in order to make their research appeared to be true.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15548 Mohamed, the first thing I noticed upon reading your version of the video is that there is no point to the scientific experiments that you mentioned. What is the connection of the previous research to present day science or modern day man? Next, you need to make sure that you always use the correct term in reference to the discussion you are presenting. The person involved in science is called a "scientist" not a "scientific". That mistake in your vocabulary alone will ensure that your vocabulary score will be lower than passing. Since you are still practicing for the test at this rate, try to use a dictionary before you use a technical term in order to make sure that you are not using the wrong word description in your essay. It is better to use simple terms and get a good score, then to try and use complex words and get a low or failing score. There is also a lack of clarity in your discussion. What exactly do you mean by "... in order to make their research appeared to be true"? If the experiment has not happened yet, how can it be true? I am not sure what you mean by that reference. Can you clarify it for me? Sadly, these mistakes could all add up for you towards a less than passing score in the actual test. It is never good when the reader cannot understand or connect with the meaning of what you are trying to relay in the summary.
Hi Muhamad, below are my thoughts for this summary essay.
- First of all, he mentioned Richard, he'sthathad
- been done with insertion research,
-they used a wagon as their item.
- saidspoke about Erastothenes
- who carried out the diameter of the earth by
- made a calculation madeway from Sweden to Alexandria.
- Moreover, he told Galileo research about the speed of light - and it had been continuing' been continued by Armand F. ...
- All inOver all, the speaker said
- research by thefrom old Scientificsscientists to
- research appeared to be true.
There you have it Muhamad, I hope the above remarks are helpful to your revision and for future writing reference, mind the association of words well as the position of the words in your sentences.