casey2264 4 / 1 Jul 24, 2007 #1Im doing this on Stress and heres my opening 2 paragraphs let me know what you thing.Being stressed is all part of life, and is a reason life can be hard at times. There are times in life where stress is not a factor, other times a person may feel so stressed that they have a hard time even focusing on the simpliest things. In this past year I have had major changes in my life such as school, work, family, and also friends. change will cause a lot of stress for a person because it is not something they are use to and tehy are not sure how to deal with their situation yet.I recently found out the restaurant I have worked in for the past four years will be closing down in a week. This was a surprise and caused major stress for me. I knew id be out of a job in a week and also just knowing the place that was like my second home was not going to be there anymore was hard to take. Being a full time college student, finding a new job, deciding what i really want to do with the rest of my life and having a majority of my friends live far away was stressfull enough. For a reason I do not understand it seems as if my family is stuck in bad luck. My dad was in a bad dirt bike accident that kept him out of work for awhile. My brother became sick and needed a new heart. Now my dog that we have had since I was a little girl we just had to put to sleep. It seems like to much change all at once for one person to take on. This is were stress comes in, were one begins to wonder how to deal with all of this without breaking down, and staying strong for those around you. Life is a roller coaster and I know this, so now I am waiting for the good, and hopefully am done with the bad for awhile.Keep in mind this is a rough copy...
EF_Team2 1 / 1704 Jul 25, 2007 #2Greetings!I think you're off to a very good start! I'll just make some editing suggestions:There are times in life where stress is not a factor; [use semicolon] other times people may feel so stressed that they have a hard time even focusing on the simplest things.I knew I'd be out of a job in a weekdeciding what I really want to do with the rest of my lifeThis is where stress comes in, where one begins to wonder how to deal with all of this without breaking down, and staying strong for those around you.Keep up the good work!Thanks,Sarah,
Andreyknure - / 5 Aug 28, 2007 #3I would also recommend you to use "How to stop worrying and start living" book by Dale Carnegie. A lot of useful information can be found in this book!