the amount of varied workplace worked by people of different age
The table below gives information about the employment sectors in which people from 3 age groups worked.
The table illustrate the amount of varied workplace worked by different ages of people.
It can be clearly seen that both teenagers and middle-ages tend to work in other career, while for manufacturing is popular in middle-ages and seniors.
Now turning to the details, most of employment sectors are slightly rise in 25-40 age group which compare to 18-25 age group. However, citizens do not keen on 3 kind of careers in middle-ages when they grow up: retail, accountancy and other. One of them has a dramatic decrease, that is retail, from 23 to 7. Interestingly, law is the only one stable job among all workplace, it remains the same number (4).
In case of the manufacturing, it raise to 23 in retirement ages which is the highest number in all age group. Meanwhile, local government boost its figure 15 to 23 in 25-65 age. By contrast, catering, law and accountancy have insignificant figures in elderly residents: 4, 4 and 3 respectively.