Television viewing figures for sports by country
The table shows the number of people in milions who watch sports on television. There are four countries in the table are: Australia, UK, USA, Canada and four sport shows include: Tennis, Golf, Motor racing and Athletics.
The table shows in USA the viewer is highest, the total number is 25.2 and the total number of viewer in Canada is lowest approximately 15. In four sport shows, Tennis has about 26 millions viewer-highest number. Then, respectively Golf (21.9 millions viewer), Athletics (16.9 millions viewer) and the last is Motor racing (12.7 millions viewer). Specifically, in USA watch Tennis,Golf and Athletics highest (7,11.2 and 5.5 millions)
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15461 The essay does not meet the passing score requirements as it failed to meet the 150 ,
minimum word count. As the essay is short in this aspect, it will automatically be deemed lacking in explanation and analysis. The writer limited the presentation to 2 paragraphs when the requirement is 3 paragraphs. This shows a lack of proper analysis on the part of the writer.
The essay could use more comparative analysis presentation between at least 2 data points per paragraph. Housing the info in parenthesis rather than using comparison sentence presentations means the writer preferred to just directly report the information, which accomplishes only half of the writing instruction.