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Taking action against moral injustice - English Essay Gr. 12 Level

Geist 4 / 3  
Nov 17, 2008   #1
Essay Topic: Write a compare and contract essay. Essays must be well-organized, contain a clear thesis statement, be supported with proof/quotes from the stories and be typed/double spaced. (Length: 750 - 1000 words - approx. 4-5 well developed pragraphs.) Your essay should exmaine both sides of the arguement, but ultimately end with your own belief,leaning toward one side.

Topic: Sometimes, people need to take action against moral injustice. Agree or disagree.

Most crimes are addressed and dealt by today's court system but there are some moral injustices that go unnoticed. "The Killings" by Andre Dubs and

The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson makes a perfect example of the few crimes as described above by displaying how the crimes exhibited in the story does not receive the proper consequence that they truly deserve. The society in both passages conveys their tolerance for unlawful acts but the similarities end there. In one society the characters are illustrated as completely inhumane beings while the other story characters are just depicted as uncompassionate people. Both main characters happen to react differently with the unfair situation they are presented with; one seeking revenge while the other begging for mercy from the immoral justice. Justice and revenge is up to the individuals themselves to get on their own.

To begin with, the setting we start out with in The Lottery which portrays to be a typical village where honest hard-working people celebrate an old custom tradition. The village is described as "...was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green... Pg 147". Later on we discover that under the surface of what seems like an innocent annual gathering are immoral humans who have a lust for blood. This ritual composes of rocks being thrown by the unethical inhabitants to the chosen unlucky one until he or she dies. The setting in 'The Killings' exhibit a small town in Massachusetts. The environment suggests a sad tone starting at the beginning "Matt Fowler buried his youngest son, Frank, who had lived for twenty-one years, eight months, and four days...". The surrounding reveals a flawless community at best. The justice system displayed in the story, however, is not so perfect as one would believe. When Matt's son, Frank, tragically dies by Richard Strout, Mary Ann's obnoxious ex-husband the court did not resort to immediate decisive action. In fact, Matt's wife, Ruth, encounters his son's murder a couple of times due to the fact that Richard is on bail until the trial starts. This demonstrates the corrupt justice system as illustrated in this story.

Next, the main characters portrayed in the respective stories react differently with the scenario they are presented. Mrs. Hutchinson in 'The Lottery' attends the annual tradition in the little village and participates in the lottery. As names drew out of the withering black old box the outcome of the chosen one became closer with the few remaining inside. When The Hutchinson's family was chosen, Mrs. Hutchinson started to panic and tried increasing her likelihood of escaping the consequence by including her married daughter as part of the family "There's Don and Eva... Make them take their chance". When the members of the Hutchinson's shown their slips of paper being empty and Mrs. Hutchinson having the dot full the chosen one was determined. Mrs. Hutchinson in a state of shock tries to imply that this whole thing was a set up but ironically she does not even question the moral of the old tradition. She later gets executed while crying "It isn't fair, it isn't right p155" by the crowd throwing rocks at her. It is clear that in this village there is no justice system for the wrong doings. In 'The Killings' however Mr. Fowler takes a different approach to the flawed justice system by taking matters in his own hands in an act of revenge. While it is clear that Richard Strout killed Matt Fowler, the charges of first degree murder were dropped to manslaughter because Richard former wife and Matt's girlfriend Mary Ann testified that she did not see the fatal gunshot. Mr. Fowler started carrying a gun as he hoped one day he would be confronted by Richard so he has an excuse to shoot him. One day Mr. Fowler comes to Richard at gun point and tells him to pack up and that he is leaving the town by flying. As Mr. Fowler was driving to a spot in a forest he commands Richard to get out. As they walk out deep in the forest Mr. Fowler shoots Richard and put it in the dug hole made by Mr. Fowler and Willis Trottier. The character demonstrates not only right thing for the town but completes his revenge on behalf of he and his wife for the sake of their beloved son.

Mrs. Hutchinson, before being executed, was doing anything in her power from dying but she does not challenge the immoral justice and thus she loses. Mr. Fowler, on the other hand, challenges the justice system and allows himself to decide if the person who killed his son receives the proper punishment he deserved. He kills Richard because the justice system gave him bail until his trial and thus Richard was enjoying his life when his son is dead. This scenario shows that Mr. Fowler was successful in avenging his son's death thus completing his revenge and he took the proper action against the moral injustice. Mrs. Hutchinson certainly dies with regrets but no matter what punishment bestows on Mr. Fowler he will surely have no regrets.

Please proofread and edit my essay and enhance my writing by adding or removing what ever you feel is needed to make it better. I believe I can learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. Thanks in Advance!

OP Geist 4 / 3  
Nov 18, 2008   #2
My stance is in the agreement if true justice is not served then you should take the matters in your own hand.

Gloria, thank you for your help for this essay, and for the past few essays over the years. I truly do appreciate your help and your service is phenomenal!
EF_Team5 - / 1583  
Nov 18, 2008   #3
You're very welcome.

This is a very importance stance, and this sentence needs to be included somewhere in your piece so that your audience knows where you stand and what to expect from the paper.

Keep up the hard work!

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