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Toefl : Teachers should not make their social or political view known to students..

s033591 7 / 8  
Feb 22, 2011   #1
Teachers should not make their social or political view known to students, do you agree or not, explain why.

We all know that a country must have many political parties to sustain the stability of society. Therefore, people live in that country may reflect their voices in order to register their dissatisfaction or agree on some policies. However, I don't think that teacher should make their social or political view known to student, because it leads to many problems. In the following, I'll state my opinion.

First, it will lower the quality of education to some extent. Because if a student hold a different view toward a policy which the teacher favor, they may end up with fight. Based on this situation, the student may dislike the teacher and won't pay attention to what the teacher teach in class. So, making political views known to student will lower the student's motive for learning.

Second, it is not proper for teachers discussing their views. After all, most of teacher are not major in politics, so their ideas may not correct. In their opinion, they think once it can express their idea objectively and then it will be beneficial to students. However, if they can not analyze some event in a more professional way, their student will have the wrong concept toward something. As a result, I don't think it is good for student being exposed to teachers' political view.

From the former idea, it may also leads to my third point. Even though their ideas are correct and perfect, it may somewhat distract students' attention on studies. Because there is so much new information in class, it is possible for them to concentrate on the political issue rather than their studies. So, it will do harm to their learning.

In conclusion, making political view known to student will lower the quality for education and has a negative effect on their studies, so I strongly oppose the idea.
bnguyen29 1 / 4  
Feb 22, 2011   #2
"We all know that a country must have many political parties to sustain the stability of society": I think this is a sweeping statement. If you are from China, there is only one political party, but the society is still pretty stable because the government maintains their authority with the military.

"In the following, I'll state my opinion.": I think you do not need this sentence. I would be ok to end with the sentence right before this.

Your first argument is not particularly strong. If the teacher was playing devil's advocate, wouldn't that be beneficial to the students because that would stimulate them to think of objections to the teacher's supposing point of view?

Your third argument can be further developed as well. Is there a word limit on this essay?
dora81 3 / 8  
Feb 22, 2011   #3
Hi, I'm not sure if you wanted our opinion on this question or if you wanted someone to proof read your remarks, but I do agree that teachers should not make their social or political view known to students for the same reasons that you have stated.

School is strictly a place for students to receive an education and be able to apply their knowledge in the work world. Unless the course deals with politics, I believe only then students should be able to take part in debates without the influence of the teacher because, after all, the teacher is the most knowledgeable and students will easily be influenced by the teacher's opinion. This can work in favour of the student as well as against him/her. That is why it's best to avoid having the teacher give his/her opinion on the onset.

Very interesting question indeed! I'm sure many debates have risen from this question.
Chinh 3 / 5  
Feb 22, 2011   #4
I think you shouldn't abuse the word "so" in the beginning of sentence, which makes your writing less academic.
Rich Monte 2 / 94 2  
Feb 23, 2011   #5
Second, it is not proper for teachers discussing their views. After all, most of teacher are not major in politics, so their ideas may not correct.

You have problems with logical thinking. By definition, "ideas" or "views" don't have to be "correct."

After reading your essay I conclude you don't need teachers; all you need are thoughtless robots without any personality reading text from textbooks. It must be fun and mind-stimulating. NOT.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Feb 23, 2011   #6
Hello Rich, what are you doing here? I thought I suspended your membership several months ago when you made a lot of cruel and stupid remarks. I'll give you another chance to participate, but from now on I require you to give some WRITING HELP every time you want to blabber about your political views, etc.

In this thread, I happen to agree with you. Yet, when a person is preparing for TOEFL is means that learning English is the focus. This student does NOT have problems with logical thinking. This student is expressing something about the importance of objectivity.

SO33591 I clicked over to your thread because I saw that you were helping a lot of people. Thank you!

Because If a student and teacher hold different views toward a policy, they may end up with fight.
That is true. And it is not fair that the teacher has an advantage because of being an authority figure. Good teachers know that they should facilitate the student's process of coming to his own conclusions.

Based on this situation, the student may dislike the teacher and won't pay attention to what the teacher teach in class. ---Another very good point.

So, making political views known to student will lower the student's motive for learning.---Can you see what is wrong with this sentence? You need to put an s at the end of student. ...known to students will...

Second, it is not proper for teachers discussing to discuss their views.

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