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Hi-Tech epoch; Life today is better than it was when your grandparents were children

Lansium 4 / 9 2  
Aug 24, 2016   #1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Any feedback to the content, grammar, vocabulary about my writhing will be taken into careful consideration. I will really appriciate all your help. Below is my thread on the topic.

Nowadays we are living in the epoch of high technology, relatively high developed society. Compared with the time of around seventy years ago in which my grandparents led life of scarcely sufficed food, you will find how happy our life is today. Therefore, my opinion to the statement is apparently positive.

My grandparents lived in a time of war when they were children. Seventy years ago, it was 1940s during which world war two was lasting and had great impact on common people's life. My grandparents endured in poor living conditions of without enough food, no a complete hygiene system and even the dearth of education. According to the conditions mentioned above can we imagine how hard the life my grandparents led in that age. They suffered from hunger every day. They could scarcely have a meal with meat so that they grew much shorter and thinner than people today. Without a complete hygiene system, they were threatened from diseases even though they just had a light fever. What's more, they might regret not taking compulsory education which would give them wider horizon as it caused them to miss a lot of chances to improve themselves. Briefly, the conditions of my grandparents' life in childhood were scarcely satisfied.

However, the tough age has already gone as people of several generations continue striving to build our country to a better place and people today do their best to avoid taking place of wars even though there are conflicts between one and another country worldwide. In this peaceful age, we no longer worry about lack of food and lack of clothes owning to the high productivity in most factories today. We can enjoy the convenience derives from high technology such as surfing on the internet whenever and wherever you are as well as traveling to a distant place in a short time. Also good education allows us to chase our dreams so as to be what we want to be.

Consequently, we can conclude that we live a much better life today than it was when my grandparents were in childhood. The average level of our life will elevate consecutively and our society will head further with people do their endeavor to build our world.

hirani03 36 / 50 5  
Aug 24, 2016   #2
Hello Lansium,
Nice to meet your writing here.
There are some corrections for you.

... in poor living conditions of without enough (...) hygiene system and even the dearth of education.

According to the conditions mentioned above (need coma)can weWe could imagine how hard ...

Briefly, the conditions of my grandparents' life in childhood phase were scarcely satisfied.

Consequently, we can conclude that we live ...

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